The Deputy Chair of the Council of Ministers, Staša Košarac, warned that foreign forces are continuously waging a hybrid, destructive war against Republika Srpska and its institutions, actively working to undermine its constitutional capacities and statehood.

“The main actors of such subversive activities are [Christian] Schmidt and [Michael] Murphy, who persistently create false narratives that Srpska is undermining the Dayton Agreement and threatening Dayton BiH,” Košarac stated for Srna.

He pointed out that their primary target is the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, and when that was not enough, they cowardly attacked his family as well.

“When we ask them how Srpska is violating Dayton, there is no concrete answer. They are aware that Srpska truly stands for the consistent implementation of Dayton and that the leadership’s policy is a barrier to the undermining of the BiH Constitution and Dayton BiH, but that does not stop them from continuing to spread false narratives,” Košarac added.

According to him, this is also confirmed by the recent remarks of US official James O’Brien in Congress, who, in a highly manipulative and tendentious manner, presented a barrage of falsehoods and unfounded claims against Srpska and President Dodik.

“They did not see fit to objectively assess the situation in Congress, nor to warn about the fact that it is precisely the US Ambassador to BiH, Murphy, and the illegitimate foreigner Schmidt who are persistently dismantling the agreements made by local political actors,” Košarac said.

He emphasized that they did not even mention that this duo is the main factor of destabilization and the key culprit for BiH’s stagnation on its path to the EU because their contaminated influence has blocked agreements and progress, collaborating only with one side that typically has not abandoned the idea of a unitary BiH.

“A plethora of obscure figures from the West, led by Murphy and Schmidt, have hidden motives, change and undermine Dayton, accusing Srpska and President Dodik of it,” Košarac assessed.

He noted the evident influence of Schmidt, Murphy, and the US administration on the judiciary in BiH, their undemocratic interference in internal affairs, and attempts to establish themselves as colonial rulers in this country.

“They support local actors who promote unitary pro-Bosnian policies and work together to redraft Dayton and create an exclusively Bosniak state, in which there will be no place for the Serbian and Croatian peoples,” Košarac stated.

He added that labeling Srpska and President Dodik as the main culprits and destabilizing factors is nothing but a deliberate strategy and creating an alibi for their malign and destructive policies in BiH.

US Assistant Secretary of State James O’Brien spoke in the US Congress yesterday about the situation in BiH, criticizing President Dodik and accusing him of secessionist policies.

Source: RTRS
