The BiH they are building is unsustainable and impossible – fortunately, this does not depend on US Assistant Secretary of State James O’Brien, but on us, stated President Milorad Dodik.

Dodik says that the intentions of the Americans are best illustrated by the fact that they first created a war in BiH and then imposed themselves as mediators, continuing to manipulate the region for thirty years.

“O’Brien and the US Ambassador to BiH, Michael Murphy, were once mere observers for the Secretaries of State and now think they have the right to falsely interpret the situation in BiH. Imagine someone lying in Congress. We thought that wasn’t possible. He also made unfounded claims regarding sanctions,” Dodik stated.

To recall, US Assistant Secretary of State James O’Brien spoke yesterday in the US Congress about the situation in BiH, criticizing the President of Srpska and accusing him of secessionist policies.

Source: RTRS
