The non-binding opinion of the Venice Commission is nothing more than paving the way and realizing the ideas of unitarists aimed at creating a “civic”, read unitary, BiH where individuals like Komšić and Dunović will represent the interests of the people they “belong” to, stated Professor of Constitutional Law Siniša Karan.

In response to Srna’s request to comment on the opinion of the Venice Commission, requested by BiH Presidency member Željko Komšić, which states that “ethnic affiliation must not be used as a basis for the selection of judges of the Constitutional Court of BiH,” Professor Karan emphasized that the Constitutional Court of BiH is an undisguised mechanism and weapon of all unitarists, adding that this has been repeatedly warned against from Republika Srpska.

“That institution, if it can even be called an institution, has caused greater harm to BiH, even more than all those foreigners and ‘international’ figures who have been making our lives miserable here for decades. This latest opinion is a catastrophic and flagrant violation of the constitutional order and structure,” Karan pointed out.

He stressed that the Constitutional Court of BiH has become an alienated center of power, an authority above authorities, a clear example of judiciary overreach, an organ of arbitrariness, an extension of the grand Bosniak majoritarian policy, a destroyer of Dayton-agreed principles, a destroyer of the Constitution of BiH, and a leader in eliminating the established framework for common life in the newly formed multi-ethnic confederate-federal state community.

Source: RTRS
