
Košarac: Political Sarajevo ignores warnings for years

Košarac: Political Sarajevo ignores warnings for years

Political Sarajevo will blame Republika Srpska and its president Milorad Dodik for obstructions without mentioning that the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) is blocking the distribution of funds from “Elektroprenos BiH” and the investment cycle that would occur if these funds were unblocked, emphasized Staša Košarac, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers.

“Troika’s politics operate on the principle of ‘catch the thief’. For Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Council of Ministers Elmedin Konaković and his team, it is much easier to accuse Dodik and Republika Srpska of everything, instead of taking responsibility and tackling problems. Konaković will blame Dodik for blockades and inevitably link it all to Putin, because he needs to appease his electorate. He will remain silent about the fact that it is thanks to Dodik and Putin that the citizens and economy of FBiH have the most favorable gas prices,” Košarac wrote on the social network Instagram.

He adds that FBiH has chosen to ignore all warnings.

“We have been warning for years about the vulnerability of the transmission network and the need to renew and modernize it. Millions of funds are being blocked, without any will to distribute and invest that money. And then an energy collapse occurs. But for the Bosniak political factor, the collapse of the energy system is a secondary problem because it does not bring votes. Their primary focus is to populistically and parrot-like repeat ‘Dodik and Putin are to blame, blah blah blah,’ supposedly caring about the interests of the citizens,” Košarac notes.

He states that instead of baseless accusations and manipulations, it would be incomparably better and more useful to address the situation in FBiH, which is lagging behind Republika Srpska in the energy sector, according to the Energy Community’s assessment.

Source: RTRS
