President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik stated in an interview with Srna that the key priorities for Republika Srpska are strengthening the domestic economy, investing in infrastructure, and creating a framework for full energy stability.

“We have defined our goals, and this has been our program all these years, showing that we can achieve what we promise. There are pressures, but while everyone talks about sanctions aimed at bringing ‘positive behavioral changes,’ we are dedicatedly and persistently working on what is good and positive for Republika Srpska,” emphasized Dodik.

Working seriously and responsibly on stimulating development and creating new jobs

He pointed out that the leadership of Republika Srpska is working seriously and responsibly on solutions that will stimulate development and open new jobs.

“We want people to return to Republika Srpska and are working on creating the conditions for that to happen. Many have recognized our goals and desires and want to invest and work in Republika Srpska. We might be small, but we have big plans and results that follow our work, showing that what we say is not just empty words but a determination to realize our vision,” stated President Dodik.

When asked to comment on the statements of those who have been misleading the public for years by predicting the bankruptcy of Republika Srpska, Dodik said that Republika Srpska has the lowest debt in the region, and those longstanding stories are refuted by data and facts.

“We have increased revenues, even though the Federation is doing everything in its power to ensure that Republika Srpska does not get what it deserves. Wherever we try to work seriously and propose something, we encounter various spins and blockades. Bosniak politicians are strong only in words, but in reality, they do everything opposite. When you put everything on paper, they agree, then change their minds. We have no intention of engaging in unserious adventures and waiting for them to decide and finally understand that the only solution is cooperation. We work independently and very seriously, in accordance with our rights and the Constitution, with anyone who wants to work with us, and that yields results,” emphasized Dodik, adding that those who constantly criticize do not deserve any comment.

While the leadership of Republika Srpska aims for the prosperity of Republika Srpska and a better life for its residents, Dodik noted, those critics can continue talking nonsense because they are good for nothing else.

No civic BiH, nor post-Dayton BiH

When asked to comment on the statement by former US special envoy to BiH Daniel Serwer, who, speaking at the conference “The Biden Administration’s Policy Towards BiH: 30 Years of the Federation of BiH,” said that BiH must be prepared for war and that Milorad Dodik and Aleksandar Vučić are creating a ‘Serbian world’ to remove Republika Srpska from BiH institutions, President Dodik responded that Bosniaks have no better things to do and have found lobbyist Serwer to talk about new wars.

Dodik stated that there will be no war, but there are those who wish for it and use such dangerous propaganda to threaten and raise tensions to model BiH according to Bosniak interests.

He asked who seriously receives Serwer, other than the minister whose name fills the newspapers, not for BiH’s progress in foreign policy and good relations with other countries, but for involvement in an extensive mafia network.

“A minister who, as media reports claim, knows or even cooperates with the mafia can only meet with Serwer. Only such a person, who does what they are told, has time for Serwer. They are marking the anniversary of the Federation of BiH, and the main topics are Vučić and me!? It’s tragicomic!” said President Dodik.

Regarding Serwer’s statement that there is a need to create civic-oriented multi-ethnic coalitions in BiH that would first start with redefining BiH as a civic, not ethnic state, Dodik clearly stated that there is no civic BiH and no post-Dayton form of BiH.

“There is Republika Srpska’s independence, and it remains for the Federation to show if it can coexist with Croats in a situation where their rights are completely diminished. It is up to the Croats to decide whether they can remain in that form or will seek new solutions. Serbs have preserved and will continue to preserve their autonomy and will strengthen it further,” emphasized Dodik.

No one in Republika Srpska will cooperate with the fake schmidt

When asked to comment on the statement by German citizen Christian Schmidt, who falsely claims to be the High Representative in BiH, after the PIC session, that the institutions of Republika Srpska must cooperate with him, Dodik replied that no one in Republika Srpska will cooperate with Schmidt.

“Whatever the ambassadors in the so-called PIC wrote, all on the orders of the Americans, no one serious reads or takes seriously. Schmidt is not the High Representative, and even if he were, he couldn’t override the Parliamentary Assembly of a sovereign state and declare his decisions as laws. Republika Srpska is a signatory of the Dayton Agreement and a party that must be respected. That’s what the Dayton Agreement says, which the ambassadors discussed for two days with Schmidt. It is clear to us that the Americans needed this meeting to flex their muscles and continue their confrontation with Republika Srpska. Their meeting has no significance in Republika Srpska. We read the Constitution and act in accordance with the Constitution and Dayton, not some writings by foreigners, who are proven Serb-haters, doing everything only to create a unitarist BiH for the Bosniaks,” stated Dodik.

The President of Republika Srpska said that anyone who reads the most important documents on which BiH is based understands everything – there is no PIC, no O’Brien law, and much of what they now refer to.

“Let them show where it says that if they can. They lie, fabricate, and encourage the Bosniaks to work against the Serbs. We know that well, and it’s not our problem. We will continue to do what will ensure stability and development for Republika Srpska. That is not the unitarist story that some foreigners favor. If they destroy Dayton, they have destroyed BiH. The day they attempt to write a word about property or add a comma in the wrong place, they have signed the end of the story of BiH. And that’s all I have to say about the so-called PIC, fake Schmidt, and even faker Murphy,” emphasized Dodik.

The messages from the ‘Trojka’ about keeping the OHR and the EU path for BiH are contradictory

When asked how he views the fact that Bosniaks are fiercely defending the OHR, while messages from Brussels and in public increasingly indicate that European countries have started discussing the reform of the OHR, and that the OHR and the EU path do not go together, as well as the statement by Nermin Nikšić, following Elmedin Konaković, that the weakening of the OHR is advocated by Russia and that this is “a strong enough alarm and proof that such an adventure should not be undertaken,” Dodik replied that the representatives of the ‘Trojka’ have been racing in the public space to support the fake Schmidt, even though they agreed with the officials of Republika Srpska that domestic democratically elected representatives should make decisions in the parliament, not an unelected foreigner.

“The messages from Nikšić about keeping the OHR are not surprising but are contradictory. The ‘Trojka’ has been talking about the EU path all this time, but when it comes to making the most important decisions, they retreat and run to Schmidt and Michael Murphy and do what they say, which is incompatible with the European story. Some have clearly been scared because Murphy threatens them. They knowingly place his interests above the interests of the people in BiH. Murphy is not concerned about the investigations and allegations that the mafia has taken over Sarajevo and deeply entered politics, but they think they should confront Republika Srpska and that we are the problem,” Dodik pointed out.

Sanctions – A confrontation with Republika Srpska, not with the mafia that, according to media reports, has taken over Sarajevo and deeply entered politics

Regarding the imposition of US sanctions on economic entities in Republika Srpska, Dodik stated that sanctions are imposed on individuals who have no investigations or anything questionable, while there is silence on the allegations from the media.

“No one in Republika Srpska is unreasonable enough to call for sanctions because what America is doing is against all human rights and threatens the livelihood and jobs of companies that Americans have used to increase pressure on Republika Srpska. Damage has been done to banks, which are losing clients in fear that their functioning will be undermined due to threats. The whole situation is insane, and everyone loses,” pointed out Dodik.

When asked about the statements by Svetlana Cenić on US sanctions imposed on individuals and economic entities in Republika Srpska, Dodik responded that it is known that there are some fanatical individuals, like Cenić, who are always useful to Sarajevo media to fill the column dedicated to bashing Republika Srpska.

“What she says has nothing to do with the economy and the situation in BiH. Gloating and showing off is characteristic of such an arrogant person who has no principles. Being against everyone does not mean being objective. How come she has never said anything good over all these years? There must be at least one thing that is good. These are mercenaries who work and implement the darkest scenarios on command to confuse the people,” Dodik pointed out.

He added that it would be interesting to read something constructive and that there are economists who rationally assess and give some constructive criticism so that one can hear and consider something smart.

“Talking about Milorad Dodik 24 hours a day is not smart; it’s on the level of Nebojša Vukanović, and any fool can do that, including Mrs. Cenić. It would be a serious challenge for her to write something smart, but such things do not interest her and are not her concern because they do not bring money. No reasonable person will refuse to listen to the opinion of experts, but we will not pretend that someone’s paid scribbling is economically relevant. Her media appearances say the most about her,” said Dodik.

He emphasized that Republika Srpska, despite all pressures, threats, blackmail, and such pseudo-analyses by pseudo-experts, will emerge as a winner.

“We remain firm on our original positions, which are – the shutdown of the OHR, the departure of foreign judges, and respect for Dayton. These are the priorities and the basis for any conversation and agreement. We have no problem talking to anyone. We have our proposal, which is to separate peacefully and work together as good neighbors. There is no reason to quarrel. They also know this is not working and that BiH has disintegrated,” explained Dodik.

You do not go to Europe by rattling weapons

He added that this is supported by the fact that 29 years after the war in BiH, the Bosniaks are still rattling weapons, threatening, tying horses where their master says, wanting to achieve the wartime goal of a unitary BiH in peace, and telling the Serb people that it is better for them to leave on their own to avoid an ‘Operation Storm,’ and this is how they want to go to Europe!?

“This is not how you go to Europe, and they will not get anywhere like this. They will not harm anyone more than themselves,” concluded Dodik.

Referring to the fact that only the OSCE Mission in BiH condemned the statements of the Minister of Defense in the Council of Ministers Zukan Helez about dividing Republika Srpska and erasing its name, stating that elected officials have a duty to strengthen cohesion and support communities and individuals, Dodik said that it seems only the OSCE Mission heard what Helez said, but even they did not understand well enough the messages sent by the elected minister, and all with a gun.

“It is appalling and insulting to intelligence to treat Helez’s threats and equate them with the statements of Republika Srpska officials who constantly call for respecting Dayton. Every reaction from Republika Srpska is a consequence of constant attacks on our autonomy. We have never asked for anything that is not ours; we are only asking for what is written in Dayton to be respected. And what activities are they talking about? Should we let them take away all our rights, say Helez does not know what he is saying!? Maybe we should just stay silent and nod at their weapon-rattling? Of course, we will not stay silent, and we will use all legal and political means. Let them take their unitary Bosnia and go away; do not drag us into their projects. Republika Srpska protects its rights and its autonomy within the Dayton BiH. Everything is written in the Constitution and Dayton, and everything we do is fully aligned with the most important documents for BiH,” said the president of Republika Srpska.

Peaceful separation is the consequence of the unilateral actions of the Bosniaks

When asked to comment on the statement by the President of the Republic of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, made during a phone conversation with Bakir Izetbegović, which was conveyed in a statement by the SDA, that he is carefully monitoring the situation and firmly stands with BiH, and that Turkey will decisively oppose any attempt at separatism, as it has done so far, Dodik replied that there is no separatism that Bakir talks about.

“The natural and logical affinity of Turkey towards the Bosniaks is expected, and we do not expect them to take the side of the Serbs. We have never asked for anyone to take our side. There is Dayton for that. We all agreed to it. We didn’t like everything, but here we are, preserving our position. Turkey under Erdoğan shows a neutral position, and we respect that. His stance that the peoples in BiH should agree on all matters without interference is the only correct one, and that is what Republika Srpska wants. What we are talking about is peaceful separation, which is a consequence of the unilateral actions of the Bosniaks, and we have never hidden that. We understand the empathy that Turkey has for the Bosniaks and their connections, but the facts and realities we live in are unbearable and show that we cannot live with Bosniaks who constantly work against us,” explained Dodik.

Reflecting on the work of the Constitutional Court of BiH, which held a session without the participation of judges elected from Republika Srpska, the president said in the interview with Srna that the political foreign body known as the Constitutional Court of BiH continues to make decisions and conclusions, all without the Serbs.

“This issue will have to be resolved. They can hold meetings, invent some new rules, because foreigners have found a way to isolate domestic judges, but in reality, none of that matters. Everyone knows there are no judges from Republika Srpska there. That is the minimum that must be fulfilled for their decisions to be considered legitimate. Soon, only foreigners will remain there, and everything is heading towards that, but it will not succeed,” emphasized Dodik.

He asserted that Republika Srpska will not agree to foreigners deciding on and determining the property, which is their ultimate goal, known to everyone.

“Foreigners must leave, and that is the only solution to save the Dayton form of BiH,” concluded Dodik.

It Is good to hear the opposition defending January 9, even from their twisted perspective

Regarding the SDS’s organization of a petition signing for the preservation of January 9 and calls for citizens to join their action, Dodik said it is good to hear the opposition in Republika Srpska finally defending January 9, even if from their twisted perspective.

“We are satisfied with what has been achieved. Maybe there is hope for them to return to the path of defending national interests if they do not change their minds in the meantime. I wouldn’t want to further humiliate them; it is enough to say anything about what they are doing. But if they continue like this, they will have to petition to protect the people from themselves and the pests within their ranks because, by pandering to foreigners and avoiding participation in important decisions of the National Assembly of Republika Srpska, they have betrayed everything they supposedly stand for,” emphasized Dodik.

The president of Republika Srpska said it is enough to recall the referendum on January 9 and the opposition members racing to embassies to boast to foreigners, their masters, that they did not attend the referendum to be patted on the head as obedient servants, or rather Serbian traitors.

Source: RTRS
