President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik announced that a proposal for political demarcation with the Federation of BiH (FBiH) will soon be finalized, and that one day the breakup of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) will become a reality.

  • “Regardless of how malevolent the Americans may be, they have established a boundary between the entities and set that line so that we don’t have to argue over it,” Dodik said in an interview with Avaz TV.

He reminded that Europe, which initially tried to save Yugoslavia, was the first to support its dissolution in the end.

  • “One day, the breakup of BiH will become a fact despite the immense efforts by foreigners to prevent it. The Bosniaks made a mistake by not, as the largest and most responsible group in BiH, collaborating with Serbs and Croats to determine the way forward. I think they are wrong if they believe that BiH can be successful without some form of satisfaction for the Serbs and Croats,” Dodik stated.

The President of Republika Srpska emphasized that he is not in favor of any separation other than a peaceful one.

  • “Let’s separate politically and territorially. The monetary and fiscal system will remain for three to five years. We will separate the two services so that there is no constant debate over what belongs to whom in terms of indirect taxes. The convertible mark and the mechanism of negotiation between Republika Srpska and the Federation of BiH will remain,” Dodik explained.

He pointed out that the current situation leads nowhere, only to the escalation of some problems, asserting that Serbs will not go to war, but they will defend themselves, which no one should doubt, as they have not retreated throughout history.

Source: RTRS
