The Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to France, Bojana Kondić Panić, stated that European integration implies a democratic way of decision-making and agreements among local officials, which excludes the actions of the Office of the High Representative (OHR) and foreign factors in Bosnia and Herzegovina. She added that this view is increasingly being advocated by EU member countries.

Kondić Panić noted that France is a country that advocates for democratic decision-making, freedom of speech, media, and respect for institutions.

  • The call for early elections in France following the European Parliament vote supports this. When I speak with officials, I see and understand their recognition of how Bosnia and Herzegovina functions and their respect for elected political officials – Kondić Panić emphasized.

In this context, she mentioned that France has been one of the countries advocating for the reduction of the OHR’s powers and the strengthening of the EU Office, aligning with Bosnia and Herzegovina’s European path.

She recalled that representatives from the President’s office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France have called for the acceleration of reforms, which was also noted in meetings with members of the Presidency and the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, during his official visit to France in April.

  • They understand that European integration implies the democratic maturity of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In other words, the European path is not compatible with the functioning and actions of the OHR. There is understanding. President Dodik pointed out during his visit the incompatibility of European integration and the OHR – Kondić Panić stated.

She claimed that from France, there have been calls for agreement and compromise among local political actors.

  • It is good that in these complex geopolitical circumstances, the expansion of the EU is being advocated. Representatives from Republika Srpska have expressed readiness for reforms but with the condition of closing the OHR and ending all ties with the colonial administration – Kondić Panić concluded.

Source: RTRS
