Cuban Ambassador to Belgrade, Leyde Ernesto Rodríguez Hernández, stated today that his country voted against the Resolution on Srebrenica in the UN General Assembly because Cuba will always oppose actions that violate international law and the UN Charter.

Hernández assessed that the Resolution on Srebrenica does not contribute to peace and reconciliation in the Balkans but rather to the stigmatization of Serbs.

“But, when we see the results and the number of votes against and abstentions, I think it’s a moral victory and that the resolution has failed,” Hernández said at a press conference held together with the leader of the Conservative Movement “Naši,” Ivan Ivanović.

Thanking the “Naši” movement for their support of the Cuban people, Hernández pointed out that his country is in a difficult economic, trade, and financial situation due to US measures.

He added that the US imposed an additional package of 243 sanctions on Cuba because it is included on the list of countries that support terrorism.

“Keeping Cuba on the list of countries designated by the US as states that support terrorism is done only to justify the sanctions against Cuba. There is no other reason for the sanctions to remain,” Hernández said.

He emphasized that friends of Cuba say “this must be a joke,” but it has catastrophic consequences for Cuba because it prevents financial transactions and access to new technologies.

“Cuba does not support terrorism; it is a victim of terrorism,” the Cuban ambassador declared.

Ivanović said that the Serb and Cuban peoples share a common history, as both have suffered from American imperialism.

“We demand that Cuba be immediately removed from the list of countries that support terrorism. There is no evidence of this, and Cuba is a victim of terrorist attacks orchestrated from the USA,” Ivanović concluded.

Source: Glas Srpske
