Minister of Security in the Council of Ministers Nenad Nešić stated that those who pledge allegiance to Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) the most are the ones who bring the most disgrace to it, describing the actions of the Chairman of the BiH Presidency, Denis Bećirović, at the Ukraine summit as a disgrace and a shame.

Nešić pointed out that those who swear the most allegiance to BiH are the ones who violate both the Constitution and the Dayton Peace Agreement.

  • “You saw what Bećirović did. Unlike him, no matter what opinion or stance I hold, wherever I go abroad, on an international visit, I strive not to disgrace the country I represent,” Nešić said to reporters in Sarajevo, where the Council of Ministers meeting is in session.

He emphasized that BiH does not need an international tutor and that it would be normal for the Office of the High Representative (OHR) not to exist.

Nešić stressed that elected representatives should govern in accordance with the electoral will of the citizens.

Speaking about the report on the state of migration in BiH, which is on the agenda of today’s Council of Ministers session, he noted an increase in incidents of violent behavior in migrant centers.

  • “We will do everything to prevent such incidents,” Nešić said, adding that the situation regarding the number of migrants in BiH is not critical.

Source: RTRS
