The Ministry of Family Welfare and Demography has allocated 10 million dinars (approximately 85,500 euros) for three local self-government projects in Republika Srpska. This marks the first step in establishing joint cooperation, stated the Minister of Family Welfare and Demography of Serbia, Milica Đurđević Stamenkovski.

“Our cooperation will be based on population policy, demography, and emphasizing family values. In the next budget year, we will allocate even more significant funds. We want to show that Serbia and Srpska are one family. As government representatives, we will actively work on this,” added Đurđević Stamenkovski.

She noted that Serbs are one people, who have the right to be themselves in their own land.

She added that some individuals are announcing plans to divide Republika Srpska, but it is not “anyone’s servant.”

“Republika Srpska is an achievement that has the unequivocal support of Serbia, expressed through the Declaration on the Protection of National and Political Rights and the Common Future of the Serb People, from which we will not deviate,” Stamenkovski added.

Previously, Milorad Dodik, the President of Republika Srpska, expressed the desire to continue studying everything that is in the interest of the Serb people to create the most practical actions to be implemented on the ground.

Source: RTRS
