The European path for Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), specifically accession negotiations with the EU, does not align with the so-called Office of the High Representative (OHR). If it were possible, one of the 27 EU member states would have certainly demonstrated this as good practice by now, stated Radovan Kovačević, delegate of the Serbian Club in the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, in an interview with Srna.

Kovačević noted that, in this context, it is difficult to determine which statement is more pitiful and disheartening: the one by the false High Representative Christian Schmidt, who claims that the optimal time for his departure would be in about 20 years—50 years after the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement—or the fact that the “Troika” parties, i.e., representatives of political Sarajevo, offer unconditional support to the OHR and the false High Representative Christian Schmidt.

According to him, it is evident that they desire everything except taking responsibility for governing this country together with representatives of the other two constituent peoples and representatives of both entities in BiH.

“In response to their narrative about ‘Russian satellites,’ I must remind them that satellites, whether Russian, American, European, Chinese, or any other, orbit in space. In BiH, they need to live alongside representatives of the Serbian constituent people, one of the three equal peoples in BiH, and representatives of both entities,” said Kovačević, who is also the spokesperson for the SNSD.

He stated that this is their problem: they want BiH only for themselves, without anyone else, and are willing to label and disparage others in any way possible.

“Finally, to address Christian Schmidt’s claim that, as he puts it, ‘Mile Dodik used to be much friendlier towards him because he was asking for something,’ I must remind him that Milorad Dodik has only met Christian Schmidt once. At that time, Dodik was the President of Republika Srpska, and Schmidt was the Federal German Minister of Agriculture. Even then, Dodik did not ask for anything for himself; he asked Germany to ensure that farmers from Republika Srpska would not suffer losses due to the signing of the Stabilization and Association Agreement,” said Kovačević.

Source: RTRS
