The International Festival of Humor and Satire “Kriva Drina” continued in Zvornik with the exhibition “Artifacts” and a literary evening featuring Dušan Pop Đurđev, a writer and long-time director of the Zmaj Children’s Games.

The author of the exhibition “Artifacts” – or creative reading of visual poetry, Đurđev, told Srna that, unfortunately, in the 21st century, the image has become more important than the word in the way children think.

“This was long ago pointed out by Duško Radović when, as a television person working on the show ‘Letter by Letter,’ he noticed that the future would be more about viewing than reading. Unfortunately, we have come to that,” said Đurđev.

According to him, if you don’t have something to entrust to young people, then join them and try in some way to put a book in their hands.

“I made this combination of text and image that are somewhat caricatured in a way and have their own title,” said Đurđev, adding that when children see the title and look at the picture, they connect them with associations and come to some of their own conclusions.

According to the festival program, tomorrow will feature the final evening of aphorisms, during which the “Golden Curve” award for the best aphorist will be presented.

The selector of the “Kriva Drina” Festival, Stanislav Tomić, stated that the final evening will feature 10 aphorists from Serbia, North Macedonia, Croatia, Montenegro, and Republika Srpska, with one participant coming from Zurich.

The host of the festival program is Dejan Grujić, an editor at Radio Television of Serbia, actor, and journalist.

The festival’s sponsors are the Ministry of Education and Culture of Republika Srpska and the city of Zvornik, while the organizer is the Zvornik Public Library and Museum Collection.

Source: RTRS
