“We have no intention of living with those who work on discrediting the Serb name,” said the President of Republika Srpska in an interview with the Jerusalem Post, commenting on the resolution on Srebrenica.

Dodik explained why there is no future and coexistence with Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and drew parallels with the situation in the Middle East.

“What happened cannot be called genocide. Authoritative experts who have dedicated their entire professional lives to studying genocide have determined that it was not genocide. All those who have authority say it was not genocide. I believe these people more than politicians,” Dodik said.

He emphasized that the adopted resolution is a political decision.

“In the past, resolutions on the international day of remembrance were adopted unanimously or by a two-thirds majority, given the importance of the issue. The adoption of the resolution on Srebrenica was treated as a marginal technical matter, simply because they wanted it to pass regardless of everything. Thus, the resolution was adopted this time by a simple majority – 84 countries out of 193 voted for the decision. 109 countries did not vote for it – they opposed it, abstained, or were absent from the vote,” Dodik noted.

He reminded that the debate in the United Nations was postponed several times because the initiators tried multiple times to secure a majority.

“The only body in BiH that has the authority to decide on foreign affairs is the Presidency, which consists of three members. BiH did not initiate this decision because there was no decision from the Presidency. However, the decision-making process at the UN began with the initiative of the Muslim representative of BiH at the UN, who acted without a decision from the Presidency,” Dodik pointed out.

The President of Republika Srpska emphasized that, because of this resolution, there are now extremely high tensions between different groups in BiH.

“The resolution is illegal, illegitimate, and non-binding,” Dodik stated clearly.

He noted that the resolution violates the Constitution of BiH.

“It also undermined the authority of the Presidency. The resolution has caused the people of BiH to be more in conflict than before. I do not believe that this was the goal of the initiators of the resolution, but they cannot be forgiven for the worldview they are trying to impose on the citizens of BiH. Maybe they think that the Serbs will be angry about the decision for a few days and then calm down. But they are completely wrong,” Dodik emphasized.

Source: RTRS
