“I believe athletes from Srpska will achieve good results at the BRICS Games,” said Ranko Tapavčević, a member of the Organizing Committee of the games, as a guest on our morning program.

“I am pleased to see that this event is being approached with such seriousness. We saw the departure materials from Banja Luka, as well as some training sessions of athletes from Srpska here in Kazan, which show great enthusiasm and quality. I believe there will be good results, and even medals, for athletes from Republika Srpska,” Tapavčević stated.

The BRICS Games have been organized since 2016.

“This is a great celebration, a gathering of a large number of athletes, with representatives from 97 countries. Kazan and Tatarstan are currently the sports capitals of Russia. I believe we will see athletes from Republika Srpska here in Kazan more often. This competition could certainly be a turning point in their careers, as they will have the opportunity to measure their skills against the best athletes in the world. In any case, this will be a great experience for them,” Tapavčević added.

Source: RTRS
