The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, stated that Republika Srpska has given Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) a chance for thirty years, while Bosniaks have spent the same period attempting to destroy Srpska and turn BiH into an Islamic state.

“If the West has turned a blind eye to this fact all this time, I believe they will finally see the truth after the statements made by the Minister of Defense in the Council of Ministers, Zukan Helez,” Dodik said in a social media post.

Dodik mentioned that “no matter how much of a circus performer Helez might be, his recent threats against Serbs and Republika Srpska reveal the fate Bosniak politicians have intended for the Serbs.”

“It was long said – ‘what a sober man thinks, a drunk man says,’ and Helez has said it all. His warmongering, chauvinistic rhetoric, and hatred towards everything Serbian is the culmination of destructive Bosniak politics,” Dodik emphasized.

He stressed that threats of war and the destruction of Serbs represent the pinnacle of violations of the Dayton Agreement and the greatest threat to peace since its signing.

Dodik stated that “just as Alija Izetbegović responded to Serbia’s outstretched hand with war in 1992, Helez today responds to messages of peace, tolerance, and cooperation from Serbia and Republika Srpska by calling for war.”

“It is a shame that [U.S. Ambassador Michael] Murphy, [Christian] Schmidt, and others who are always ready to react to everything are silent. It is a shame that politicians from Sarajevo are silent. We will not remain silent about this,” the President of Republika Srpska concluded.

Source: RTRS
