“When Michael Murphy guards the Dayton Agreement, it’s like having a goat guard the cabbage – failure is guaranteed,” said Milorad Dodik, President of Republika Srpska, on his X account.

Dodik pointed out to Murphy that he is on the right path to destroying what little is left of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“As surely as night follows day, it’s become evident that Murphy will not miss an opportunity to disgrace himself. A colleague of mine once told me that when Murphy sits down to lunch with three people, he somehow manages to make all three hate him. Whether it’s a lack of love or attention, I don’t know. America is full of people who can help him, but that doesn’t give him the right to stick his nose where it doesn’t belong,” Dodik emphasized.

“When Murphy guards the Dayton Agreement, it’s like having a goat guard the cabbage. Failure is guaranteed. Keep it up, you’re on the right track to destroy what’s left of Bosnia and Herzegovina. And as surely as night follows day, it’s become evident that Murphy will not miss an opportunity to disgrace himself.”

Dodik stated that “Murphy’s statement regarding the All-Serb Assembly and their claims that Republika Srpska is not a state and that my views represent an attack on the Dayton Agreement shows a deep misunderstanding of the reality and the will of the people of Republika Srpska.”

“The U.S. Embassy should be aware that Republika Srpska is an entity with constitutional rights, and any insinuation questioning its legitimacy is unacceptable and offensive to our people. Michael Murphy is supposed to improve relations between Americans and Serbs, but all he shows is hostility towards us,” said Dodik.

Dodik reminded that “Republika Srpska is confirmed based on the international Dayton Peace Agreement, and we strictly adhere to its provisions.”

“Our efforts through the All-Serb Assembly aim to preserve the rights and autonomy of Republika Srpska, not to destabilize Bosnia and Herzegovina, as some maliciously interpret. And yes, regardless of how much it bothers someone, the Republic of Serbia is a guarantor of that Dayton Agreement based on decisions of the Republika Srpska authorities from 1995. Regarding the American criticism that the All-Serb Assembly represents an attack on the Dayton Agreement, I must remind that numerous high representatives and international structures have violated that same agreement many times,” Dodik emphasized.

Dodik stressed that “it is unacceptable for foreigners to nullify the decisions of the legal institutions of Republika Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina.”

“The Dayton Peace Agreement is defended by the Serbs, while various Murphys and Schmidts attack it. Fortunately, the people of Europe, and probably the citizens of the USA, are on their way to democratically dismiss the Murphys and geopolitical pests and hotheads who have brought the world to the brink of conflict. Don’t worry, Mikey, I understand what you’re doing and that you now want to cause a crisis where there isn’t one. For that, you use your minions among the Bosniaks,” Dodik concluded.

“It wouldn’t bother us at all if the Bosniaks gather and organize their event. Just don’t help them. If they want to talk about culture and cooperation with others, as we did, they are welcome to do so in any Serb city. You are not. Goodbye,” Dodik concluded.

Source: RTRS
