The era of Serb integration has begun, and the time has come when we can finally anticipate the unification and unity of the Serb people, which is crucial for the future of Serbia and Republika Srpska, said Dr. Nenad Stevandić, President of the National Assembly of Republika Srpska and leader of United Srpska.

He pointed out the significance of this historical moment, emphasizing that Serbs have finally reached a point where they are aware of their strength and the potential for integration.

  • If anything defines this generation and the President of Serbia, it will be that the era of Serbian disintegration and disintegrative processes has ended and the century of Serb integration has begun. We have entered a phase where we have become aware that we, as a people, have achieved many liberations—from the Turks, Austro-Hungarians, Bulgarians, fascists, and Nazis. Now, we are finally witnessing our unification, said Stevandić.

Stevandić highlighted that Republika Srpska is presented as a key state-forming entity of the Serb people, the greatest Serbian achievement in the last 200 years.

He emphasized the importance of preserving the territory, government, and organization of Republika Srpska, which ensures security for all Serbs.

  • Serbia as the homeland and Republika Srpska as the state-forming entity, which is the greatest Serb achievement in the last 200 years. It is the only territory we have preserved. We have the people, the government, the organization, and the Constitution, which means we can be truly proud because the century of integration is beginning, Stevandić declared.

Stevandić emphasized the challenges of globalization and the role of Serb leaders on the international stage. He praised Serbia’s international influence, noting that leaders like President Aleksandar Vučić enjoy the support of the people, which cannot be said for many European leaders who have become mere officials.

  • This will be the century of leaders, not officials, Stevandić said, adding that leaders like Vučić, Orbán, and Dodik are examples of politicians with real results and the support of the people.
  • In the European Union and globally, you mainly have an administrative apparatus. There are no leaders with great respect and results among their people, Stevandić noted.

For Stevandić, one of the key moments for the Serbian people was the establishment of September 15 as the Day of Serbian Unity, Freedom, and the National Flag. This holiday is jointly celebrated in Republika Srpska and Serbia, symbolizing the strengthening of ties between Serbian entities.

  • This all started many years ago when September 15 was established as the Day of Serb Unity, Pride, and the National Flag, celebrated together by Republika Srpska and Serbia, Stevandić said, adding that he is proud that they have jointly laid the foundations of this unity.

Stevandić emphasized that the only true peace initiatives from the Balkans have come from Serbia, while others have often resorted to warmongering rhetoric. He stressed that Serbia and Republika Srpska strive for peace and stability, despite pressures and challenges.

  • The only true peace initiatives from the Balkans have come from Serbia. All other initiatives were warmongering from Sarajevo and others. We have become an economic leader thanks to the strength of Serbia, Stevandić stated, adding that Serbia is becoming a military power with the most modern weapon systems.

He noted that the sovereignty of Republika Srpska is based on the rights obtained through the Dayton Agreement and emphasized that this agreement is not violated. He reminded that the only internationally recognized borders in Europe since 1945 are those established by the Dayton Agreement.

  • The only borders since 1945 in Europe that are drawn and internationally recognized as part of an international treaty called the Dayton Agreement are the borders between the entities, or the borders of Republika Srpska and the Federation of BiH, Stevandić said.

Stevandić spoke about changes in global politics, emphasizing the role of the internet and new media in breaking the monopoly of traditional global media. He highlighted that statements by President Vučić are now globally accessible, thanks to modern technologies.

  • What President Vučić says and publishes on his channels becomes news worldwide. This is a sign of the collapse of globalist politics and the opening of a new era of international relations. See you tomorrow at the All-Serb Assembly of Serbia and Republika Srpska, Stevandić concluded.

Source: RTRS
