The promotion of the photo monograph “Andrić and Višegrad,” curated by Divna Vasić and Jovana Borovčanin Đurević, was held at the Andrić Institute in Andrićgrad.

Vasić stated that the curators of the photo monograph “Andrić and Višegrad” compiled a comprehensive text containing all the data and facts from Andrić’s childhood and early youth, as well as his visits, connections, and ties with his literary homeland. This is all supported by rich documentary material, numerous photographs, memories, and recollections.

“Višegrad, its history, and its characters hold a central place in the panorama of Andrić’s work and world. Višegrad is not only a source of his experiences and memories but also the place where he met individuals who would inspire his prose works, and where he wrote his first significant stories,” Vasić emphasized.

She highlighted that the connection between Andrić and Višegrad was never broken and that he considered Višegrad his city, no matter where he lived.

“This photo monograph, which follows the life, paths, and connections of the writer with the town of his childhood, is also a depiction of the cultural and historical events in Višegrad spanning over a century,” said Vasić.

Borovčanin Đurević said that the book covers all periods of Andrić’s life from childhood and schooling to his visits, with a special section dedicated to the writer’s care for his homeland.

The connection between Andrić and Višegrad was never severed, as evidenced by the establishment of the cultural event “Višegrad Path” after his death, which is detailed in the book and covers all activities since the event’s inception to the present.

According to her, a special part of the book is dedicated to the construction of Andrićgrad, created by director Emir Kusturica, who decades later paid the best tribute to the literary giant.

“Andrić has left us indebted with his work, and it is up to us to repay that debt by remembering and highlighting the enduring and timeless value of his work,” emphasized Đurević.

Literary historian Žaneta Đukić Perišić said that the authors of the book set a clear goal, which was to identify all the points that connect Andrić to his town and to vividly and documentarily show how important Višegrad was, not only to Andrić’s life but also to his creative work.

“They carefully traced the signs along the road, depicting the arc of Andrić’s life, logically emphasizing Višegrad. In the book, we see Andrić as a boy remembered by his schoolmates, then as a successful writer and diplomat visiting his relatives and friends, and finally as a celebrated author who never forgot his roots,” Perišić highlighted.

She pointed out that the book includes texts about the town, its inhabitants, and heroes, which are well integrated and eloquently speak of the essential connection between the writer and his roots.

The publisher of the photo monograph “Andrić and Višegrad” is the municipality of Višegrad, with Chigoja Press from Belgrade as the co-publisher. The book has been translated into English.

Source: RTRS
