The President of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Republika Srpska, Rajko Kuzmanović, stated that at the All-Serb Assembly, numerous agreements between Republika Srpska and Serbia will be signed, sending a message to the world and the region that Serbs are a peaceful, freedom-loving people with big hearts, always willing to cooperate.

Kuzmanović announced that institutions from Republika Srpska and Serbia will sign a series of important agreements in all areas at the Assembly starting today, and that the delegation from the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Republika Srpska (ANURS) will participate in those concerning science, given their long-standing intensive cooperation with the Serbia Academy of Sciences.

He emphasized that Serbs have always been on the right side of history, despite being unjustly insulted and collectively labeled as negative and “genocidal” by some “resolutions” today. “We are a people of peace and cooperation,” Kuzmanović stressed.

Kuzmanović assessed that the current geopolitical and other situations in the world are problematic and concern all peace-loving peoples, including the Serbs.

“Therefore, this assembly aims to show the world and our surroundings that we defend the truth, not falsifications. We must not allow history to be achieved and written on falsifications and untruths, which Serbs are also facing in these times,” Kuzmanović said to Srna.

He emphasized that every person and every organization and institution in Serbia and Republika Srpska should express their commitment to the ideas of peace and cooperation in their work.

  • Cooperation and unity are the destiny of our existence – Kuzmanović emphasized and added that it is particularly interesting that these days mark 23 years since the signing of the Agreement on Special Parallel Relations between Republika Srpska and Serbia.

The National Assembly of Republika Srpska adopted the Law on the Confirmation of the Agreement on Special Parallel Relations between FR Yugoslavia and Republika Srpska on June 7, 2001.

This agreement, which derives from the Dayton Agreement, was signed to develop cooperation between Republika Srpska and Serbia in the areas of economy and use of economic resources, planning, privatization, and denationalization, as well as science and technology, and education.

The Presidents of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, and Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, have announced the All-Serbia Assembly in Belgrade tomorrow, where, among other things, the unity of the Serb people will be confirmed.

Source: RTRS
