President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik and the head of the Russian Republic of Tatarstan, Rustam Minnikhanov, signed a cooperation protocol today in St. Petersburg. The protocol aims to enhance trade-economic, scientific-technical, and cultural-humanitarian cooperation between Republika Srpska and the Republic of Tatarstan.

During the signing, Minnikhanov expressed pride in having such friends and delight in the advancing relations.

Dodik highlighted the importance of the cooperation, particularly noting the participation of athletes in the BRICS Games. He expressed hope that Republika Srpska would have the opportunity to attend the BRICS plenary session, describing it as a significant honor, given BRICS’s status as a major forum.

Dodik emphasized the significance of Tatarstan’s leadership in the IT sector and its robust industry for the entrepreneurs of Republika Srpska. He also mentioned a conversation with Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó, a friend of Republika Srpska, and his plans to meet with bankers and key business figures, including those not from Russia. Additionally, he will participate in the plenary session of the Economic Forum and discuss continued cooperation with the owners of the Brod Oil Refinery despite challenging conditions due to unjust Western sanctions imposed on Russia.

Dodik invited Minnikhanov to visit Republika Srpska and Banja Luka at the earliest opportunity, emphasizing the ongoing improvement in cooperation, including in the sports sector, as Republika Srpska’s teams will participate in the BRICS Games in Kazan.

Source: RTRS
