Republika Srpska was treated on par with independent states at the International Forum in St. Petersburg, said analyst Vladimir Dobrosavljević on RTRS Morning Program.

He emphasized that this sends a message to the rest of the international community.

  • The message is that further revision of the Dayton Agreement leads to counteractions. It is then possible for some countries to view Republika Srpska as an entity with even greater and stronger autonomy, Dobrosavljević stated.

He highlighted that Russia is principled and supports the Dayton Agreement.

  • It has been shown that any revision of the agreement leads to instability. Russia’s position allows Srpska not to be isolated and helps to reduce pressure, Dobrosavljević said.

He noted that cooperation with Russia is essential.

  • It is necessary to develop partnerships with all those who wish for the stability of our region, he declared.

Source: RTRS
