Republika Srpska signed the Dayton Agreement to create and sustain Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), but after extensive negative experiences of confiscation, imposition, pressure, and intolerable animosities, it no longer wants it, stated Professor Emeritus Nenad Kecmanović.

  • We don’t want it anymore, period, without any explanation. Both the first and second Yugoslavia were created because all the nations wanted it. The next generation decided they didn’t want it anymore, and after 20 or 45 years, it fell apart. BiH will likely follow suit after 30 years – said Kecmanović.

He doesn’t see anything scandalous in making any proposal to neighbors, which they can either reject, accept, or partially modify.

Kecmanović reminded that for decades, Americans and Bosniaks have been pushing Serbs into a unitary BiH by revising Dayton, and now they are also claiming rivers, forests, land, and public property, while President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik is being prosecuted for obstructing them.

  • But the long and exhausting story of how they brought us to a dead end is included in the Proposal for Peaceful Dissolution, so I would skip it. Moreover, I would no longer justify, explain, or prove anything to anyone. Simply put, the creation and survival of BiH required the consent of all three nations, but for it to fall apart, it is enough for just one nation to reject it – said Kecmanović.

He noted it is unusual that the Bosniak neighbors are thrilled with Christian Schmidt’s statement regarding the proposal for peaceful dissolution.

With that statement, Schmidt, according to Kecmanović, humiliated and insulted BiH and its three nations, suggesting they have no right to decide their fate and the fate of their joint state, especially the Bosniaks, who are still fighting for the recognition of their national identity and sovereignty and who care most about BiH as a state.

Schmidt slapped them, and they applaud him – Kecmanović stated.

Kecmanović pointed out that Schmidt’s statement that BiH has been a full member of the UN since 1992 in a legal and political sense is pure nonsense because the UN accepts sovereign states, not colonies governed by metropolitan envoys on the ground.

  • What’s wrong with the representatives of the three nations sitting down to negotiate? Should they perhaps stand or stand on their heads while negotiating? And what if, for instance, the Bosniaks and Croats positively respond to the Serbian initiative for peaceful dissolution? – Kecmanović asked.
  • It seems Schmidt plans to stretch barbed wire along the borders of BiH to prevent them from consensually dissolving and making all the fake high and low representatives redundant, sending them home – Kecmanović concluded.

He observes that Serbs and Bosniaks argue to the point of breaking up, but they haven’t gone as far as the “allies” the USA and Germany, who have destroyed each other’s gas pipelines.

Kecmanović concluded that, in the meantime, the American Ambassador Murphy should be asked how it was possible that the USA wiretapped its ally, former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and Schmidt should be asked why Germany remains silent about the fact that their transatlantic mentors destroyed their energy lifeline under the Baltic Sea.

  • Serbs and Bosniaks, indeed, argue to the point of breaking up, but they haven’t gone that far for a long time, so they could be advised that it’s better to “sit and agree.” Send them a high representative from Republika Srpska. Of course, only if they want. No imposition – Kecmanović concluded.

Source: RTRS
