The head of the SNSD Club in the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, Sanja Vulić, stated that the so-called Constitutional Court of BiH, which is in fact the Constitutional Court of the Federation of BiH and part of the international community, has nine members but holds sessions, makes decisions, and changes rules without the two judges from Republika Srpska.

In a statement to Srna, Vulić pointed out that the Court is incomplete and lacks legitimacy without the nine members, two of whom must be from Republika Srpska.

“The Constitutional Court of the Federation of BiH and part of the international community, which falsely presents itself as the Constitutional Court of BiH, because it does not include judges from Republika Srpska, held another suspect session yesterday aimed at further confusing the public and committing ‘constitutional and legal violence.’

Because, how else to call the actions of a body that instead of ‘supporting the Constitution’ as mandated, makes decisions prima facie (on the face of it) with a twisted interpretation and invention of constitutional provisions,” emphasized Vulić.

She explained that contrary to Article 6 1.c) of the Constitution, the Constitutional Court extends the employment status of judges after they reach the age of seventy, although the Constitution states that they will serve until the age of seventy.

“Anyone who allows these individuals to continue working, making decisions, and receiving salaries after the age of seventy is committing an unconstitutional act. And now, if theoretically someone submits a request for a constitutional review of this amendment to the Court’s Rules, the Constitutional Court will declare itself incompetent, and the request inadmissible, as it has already done once with the request for a review of its own Rules (U 7/13),” stressed Vulić.

Reacting to the Constitutional Court’s assessment that “Republika Srpska does not have constitutional authority to regulate the issue of immovable state property,” and that, according to them, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the BiH Constitution, regulating this issue “is within the exclusive competence of BiH,” Vulić told Srna that it is clear who is violating Dayton and the Constitution – Bosniak political representatives at the behest of part of the international community led by Michael Murphy and Christian Schmidt, the greatest destroyers of BiH, the Constitution, and Dayton.

“The issue of immovable property, which they call ‘state property,’ is placed under the jurisdiction of BiH, and as they state, in accordance with ‘relevant constitutional provisions,’ but they did not specify which provisions or which Constitution we are reading. Are we reading the same Constitution or is Seada (Paravlić) working from something presented to her as the original in English?” Vulić questioned.

She also questioned how, 29 years after the war, Bosniak political representatives suddenly remembered the resolution on Srebrenica, and that every agreement of local politicians is nullified upon their confession to their mentors, and the so-called state property, and who knows what else awaits us in the coming period – all with the sole aim of abolishing Republika Srpska, or creating an empty shell that would just be called Republika Srpska, reducing the Serb people to the level of a national minority, and tomorrow to a statistical error, as they did in the Federation of BiH.

“It is clear what and how Murphy, Schmidt, and those who have learned to tie their horses where their lords tell them are doing. They just forgot that the Serb people are not horses, nor do they recognize any lords. The political representatives of the Serb people and Republika Srpska have never and will never work under the dictates of foreigners but exclusively in the interest of their people. Republika Srpska is eternal and it will survive with its people, just as its property is its own and not the property of artificial creations like BiH and institutions that are everything but institutions for the Serb, Bosniak, and Croat peoples,” Vulić said.

She emphasized that BiH led by Murphy, Schmidt, and Bosniak nodders has no future, and this is obvious and clearly visible to everyone except, it seems, to them.

Source: Glas Srpske
