Professor Nenad Kecmanović stated that the minority support for the Srebrenica resolution passed in the UN General Assembly demoralized its initiators and sponsors while boosting the morale of the people, not only the Serbs.

Kecmanović mentioned that after the vote, Serbs could say that this is a small step for the Serb people but a significant one in the creation of a multipolar world.

He emphasized that the brave Serbs did not create a global turnaround, but they did test the global balance of power between the USA, Russia, and China.

Kecmanović recalled that the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, announced that 30 days after the UN General Assembly session was scheduled, Republika Srpska would propose peaceful separation to its neighbors and offer an appropriate agreement.

  • Dodik offers to return Bosnia and Herzegovina to the original Dayton Agreement, to make a new agreement about Bosnia and Herzegovina, and finally, a peaceful separation, – Kecmanović stated in an opinion piece for Politika.

He also noted that the American Embassy responded that they would not allow it because it “is not in line with their interests.”

  • Why should we care about their interests? By what right and how will they not allow it? – Kecmanović asked.

He stressed that an empire in decline largely maintains its dominance through fear, habit, inertia, and the powerlessness of oppressed small countries and peoples.

  • What would happen if everyone suddenly refused to obey? It would retreat because it could not fight the whole world even when it was at the peak of its power. Although the Serbs are a rebellious people, who knew how to stand up when others didn’t, they managed to impose on us a complex of inferiority through decades of demonization, to make us justify and prove ourselves, to discuss imposed topics because they dictate the agenda, – Kecmanović said.

He highlighted that the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, is one of the few Serbs who does not have that complex and that is why he is being prosecuted.

Source: RTRS
