The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, stated that the so-called diplomatic success of the 21st century, as Denis Bećirović characterized the resolution on Srebrenica, is nothing but a debacle of decades-long lies and deceptions spread by Bosnian Muslims worldwide.

“The so-called diplomatic success of the 21st century, as pompously named by Bećirović, is merely a tool in the hands of Western countries facing elections this summer and autumn. Since they have no response to the events in Gaza, they will offer their voters a resolution concerning Muslims, but on a different part of the world,” Dodik said.

Dodik pointed out that today, as many as 109 countries worldwide do not support Bećirović’s version of the events in Srebrenica in July 1995 and practically dispute the decisions of the courts established by the UN itself.

Admitting that the resolution on Srebrenica was prepared in secrecy, Dodik says Bećirović acknowledged doing something unacceptable and deceitful, because if it weren’t, why would it be done in secret?

“He also admitted that he does not respect the Constitution of BiH or the laws of BiH, because, besides being prepared in secret, the resolution reached the UN unconstitutionally, without the consent of all three members of the BiH Presidency. Neither the press conference I am referring to nor his statements in New York were made on behalf of BiH, even though he constantly tries to present Bosniak positions as those of BiH,” Dodik told Srna.

According to him, the resolution on Srebrenica is also Lagumdžija’s attempt to redeem himself before Muslims for the Algerian group he extradited to Guantanamo and his attempt to gain the support of the Islamic Religious Community to sit in the Bosniak leader’s chair and end the rule of the Izetbegović dynasty.

The very fact that Bećirović is justifying himself over this resolution indicates that he is aware this has put the existence of BiH into question, says Dodik, noting that the resolution on Srebrenica does not contribute to peace or coexistence but is a direct threat to the Serbian people in BiH.

“But Bećirović does not know, nor can he know, that a people who have survived genocide cannot be intimidated,” Dodik concluded.

Bećirović emphasized that “many thought they would never see this resolution in the UN, but after a series of unsuccessful attempts, they succeeded.”

In his address after the adoption of the resolution, Bećirović said that behind this “success stands well-thought-out and dedicated work,” and that it is “one of the most important diplomatic and political victories of BiH in the 21st century.”

He stated that he initiated activities related to the resolution at the beginning of his term, intensified them 12 months ago, and explained how “they didn’t talk much, but worked a lot,” describing it as one of “the most complex projects involving many activities.”

Source: RTRS
