International law died when NATO bombed Yugoslavia without UN Security Council approval. Everything we see today, from events around the world to the Srebrenica resolution, is just a slow, painful, and agonizing announcement to the world that this order is dead, said political scientist Vojislav Savić in his first reaction to the adoption of the Srebrenica resolution.

Savić stated that the outcome of the vote was surprising.

“Optimistic expectations were that anything below 100 would be a success. But only 84 votes ‘for’ is a diplomatic fiasco for the sponsors and co-sponsors of the resolution,” Savić noted.

He pointed out that changes are clearly happening on the international scene.

“And this resolution is not legally binding. The vote showed where the world stands today,” Savić said.

He emphasized that two-thirds of the world’s population are in countries that did not support the resolution.

Savić also commented on Montenegro’s vote.

“The Serb people must no longer make compromises. In Montenegro, we have the same policy as we did under Đukanović. Spajić and Milatović are to blame for this vote, and that needs to be clearly stated. They came to power on a wave of Serbian votes, and this is how they repay us,” Savić concluded.

Source: RTRS
