President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik stated that everything the Bosniaks did with the shameful anti-Serb resolution on Srebrenica represents a historical downfall, has nothing to do with justice or common sense, and the only thing they achieved is to humiliate all unfortunate victims, especially the Bosniak ones, and to bury Bosnia and Herzegovina because this is the beginning of the end.

Dodik emphasized that the Srebrenica resolution will not change anything because there was no genocide in Srebrenica and, therefore, there are no deniers of something that did not happen.

Pointing out that Bosniak political representatives are well aware of this, President Dodik said in an interview with Srna that Republika Srpska does not deny anything but rejects lies and falsehoods that have been foisted upon us for years and on which the Bosniaks have built their identity.

“Yesterday we witnessed the complete loss of credibility of the General Assembly, as clearly heard from the messages of numerous countries that abstained, refused to vote, and opposed this circus. More than five billion of the world’s population refused to participate in politicizing this issue and decided to stay out of this false story. This speaks volumes about the General Assembly and the Bosniaks celebrating that 109 out of 192 countries did not vote for their proposal,” said Dodik, asking what would have happened if it were the other way around.

He emphasized that this hysteria and unconstitutional actions by the Bosniaks nailed the final nail in the coffin of Bosnia and Herzegovina. “Bosnia and Herzegovina no longer exists. This is evident from the messages of all representatives of the Bosniak political community. The euphoria and jubilation that such a document was found in the General Assembly speak of their intentions,” Dodik stated.

“What the political representatives of the Bosniaks, along with the Germans and Americans, planned to dismantle Dayton will never happen. Peaceful separation and everyone will be happy. We won’t and can’t be together. We can only talk about separation, and that’s it,” Dodik said in an interview with Srna.

America will disappear before Republika Srpska

When asked to comment on the statement from the US Embassy that secession or separation of Republika Srpska does not mean its independence nor the end of Bosnia and Herzegovina but the end of Republika Srpska, Dodik said that the legitimate and legal initiative for peaceful separation will be submitted by Republika Srpska and will not be prevented by the American bitterness and the frustration of Ambassador Michael Murphy.

“It is entirely legitimate for Republika Srpska to propose, and we will propose a peaceful separation agreement. It seems they think that whenever something comes from Republika Srpska, it means secession,” Dodik pointed out.

He stated that there is a perverted way of thinking among foreigners and again pointed to the lies accompanying the resolution process, reminding of a list of about 90 Bosniaks who are alive but have their names inscribed on memorial plaques in Potočari and are listed as victims.

“This is evident fraud about Srebrenica. They now want to cover that story with this claim that Republika Srpska will disappear. America will disappear before Republika Srpska,” Dodik asserted.

Americans, he said, only spread lies to divert the story from the debacle at the UN General Assembly and the way the session was organized, resorting to threats.

“They did not bother to react to the obvious violation of the Constitution when it came to initiating the resolution in the General Assembly, but now they want to threaten the initiative that Republika Srpska is launching. That won’t happen,” Dodik said.

For more than a year, Bosniaks have been working in secret against Serbs

Asked to comment on the claims of some Bosniak officials who continue to try to convince the domestic and world public that this resolution contributes to reconciliation and reduces the obvious division in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and that it represents a lesson to that part of humanity that, as they say, still does not know the difference between good and evil, the president of Republika Srpska emphasized that Republika Srpska and the entire world very well know the difference between what leads to reconciliation and the evil that seeks to achieve domination in this region through various projects and resolutions.

“Bosniaks have publicly admitted that they have been working in secret against Republika Srpska for a year. For a year, they have been systematically and organizedly working against Serbs. Republika Srpska and the Federation are no longer connected by anything. The Bosniak structure acted unilaterally and stepped out of the constitutional framework. The messages of Bosniak politicians after the adoption of this resolution are shameful and show that they were merely pawns in the Germans’ provocation and have been left out of the whole story. That is their choice, which will cost Bosnia and Herzegovina,” Dodik asserted.

Bećirović’s admission completely exposes Bosniak unitarist policy

Speaking about Denis Bećirović’s statements that the resolution, as he says, “is an opportunity for catharsis” and that they have been working on its adoption for more than 12 months, President Dodik said that Bećirović’s admission that they had been preparing the resolution against Serbs for more than a year completely exposes the Bosniak unitarist policy that exclusively works against Republika Srpska.

“That man is pure evil, a primitive and frustrated individual who actively destroys Bosnia and Herzegovina and relations among its peoples. It is an absolute lie that they want reconciliation, and with this resolution, they have once again shown that they have never abandoned their unitarist policy, that they have not moved away from what Alija Izetbegović advocated in the ‘Islamic Declaration’ and from the evil that wanted war in this region,” Dodik emphasized.

Listening to Bećirović talk about strengthening the culture of peace, Dodik said, is an insult to every normal person because he is the biggest instigator who constantly tries to raise tensions and everything he does is beyond the Constitution and the law.

“All this time, Bećirović has been actively working with the Germans on a plan to destroy Republika Srpska and dismantle Dayton. And without any shame, he openly admits it. The structures that govern there are descendants of Nazis who found an executor for their plans in this idiot and think that they have achieved something with this.

They have only succeeded in sealing the fate of Bosnia and Herzegovina permanently. Bosnia and Herzegovina no longer exists, neither Dayton nor any other. Bećirović has nothing more to say to Serbia or Serbs, but Serbs have something to say to him – no relations and no connections with the biggest hatemonger and warmonger, we do not want nor plan to have,” Dodik asserted.

The resolution marks the beginning of the end of our relations

When asked to comment on Elmedin Konaković’s statement that Bosnia and Herzegovina will send a protest note to all countries, 19 of them, that voted against the Srebrenica resolution, Dodik replied that he cannot send anything to anyone on behalf of Bosnia and Herzegovina because he has no right to do so.

“He can send personal messages to whomever he wants on behalf of the rogue Bosniak structure whose illegal actions were recognized by some countries in the UN under German and American pressure. The Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina does not give any ambassador, minister, or anyone else the option to announce their ambitions and wishes but only the official and agreed policy. The Muslims destroyed those institutions and showed that they do not want to live with us,” Dodik clarified.

He said it is evident that this is an extorted activity and has nothing to do with the Serbs, Srebrenica, or the Bosniaks who seized their moment and attempts by Germany, America, and others to cover up their hypocritical policy in the eyes of the world, especially regarding Gaza, but the price for that mistake is Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“Konaković is wrong if he thinks he can talk to us about anything other than a peaceful separation. He is part of a structure that planned how to stop Republika Srpska with the help of the Germans and the false Christian Schmidt. What they have tied Bosnia and Herzegovina to, no one, not even the Americans, will pull out. An underdeveloped political amateur and American-German errand boy thinks he can give lessons to foreign countries that have well understood the intentions of the sponsors and executors of the resolution,” Dodik stated.

He added that Konaković might be aware of what he has gotten into, but it is clear that the Americans have tightened their grip on them, so they now have to do everything they are told even though they know the resolution is the beginning of the end of our relations.

“The Srebrenica resolution has shown one important thing, and that is that America is no longer what it used to be and that many countries have resisted the pressure and have not engaged in these speculative actions. The resolution is proof of failed American policy and a big ‘no’ to colonizers and false moralists. The only good thing is that the resolution story has served to hear the voices of those who clearly say what all the Americans, Germans, and British have done, and now want to lecture,” Dodik emphasized.

He noted that the Bosniaks were just used for that kind of story and that is why there is such hysteria and why this errand boy Konaković rose to explain something.

“They have only succeeded in ruining relations with the Serbs, trying to please the Germans and Americans. They havenothing to do with it, they never had, and they were only obedient servants ready for anything to ingratiate themselves with their masters. The most famous Bosniak lackey is proof of how to listen and diligently carry out the orders of their mentors and patrons,” Dodik indicated.

Everything has been said with the resolution, there is nothing more to talk about

When asked to comment on Željko Komšić’s statement that “a point has been made on a decades-long process that began with indictments for genocide, continued with final judgments before international courts, and finally ended with the adoption of the Srebrenica resolution,” Dodik replied that Komšić, who never spoke about the crimes committed against the people whose place he usurped in the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina and who never mentioned Serbian victims, is now talking about Srebrenica.

“And that statement by Komšić confirms what we have been saying all along, namely what kind of project the foreigners have made here with the fake Croat and fake Serbs where they managed to push them in. They pushed Komšić to bypass the Croats and ensure that the Bosniaks decide on everything despite what the Constitution and the Dayton Agreement say, thus enabling the constant outvoting of the Serbian people, who have mechanisms to prevent and stop it. And we have been doing this all these years. We are fighting their blockades and deceptions, and it has been like that for years, but we will not do it anymore,” Dodik emphasized.

He pointed out that this shameful anti-Serb resolution was supposed to serve to push out the Serbs as they pushed out the Croats and to impose the story of a new Dayton.

“They will not see that. Peaceful separation is the only solution because we have nothing more to talk about with those people. They have said everything with this resolution. There is nothing more to talk about,” the president Dodik stated, reminding that Republika Srpska and its officials have all this time advocated for respecting the letter of the Dayton Agreement and Dayton Bosnia, while the Muslims, with their foreign sponsors, have done everything to destroy Dayton and violate the Constitution and constitutional procedures.

In response to Srna’s remark that both SDA and SDP are enthusiastically welcoming the adoption of the resolution, Dodik said they are celebrating a document that has buried Bosnia and Herzegovina, adding that these people are either out of touch with reality, not realizing there is no future for Bosnia and Herzegovina, or they expect that NATO will forcefully create a unitary Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“That will not happen, no matter how much they dream of achieving Aliya’s dreams. They have shown that they have been working against Republika Srpska all this time. There is no difference between the political options of the Bosniaks. They are united in their hatred towards the Serbs and are not even trying to hide it anymore. They rejoice over having achieved a massive embarrassment and once again humiliate unfortunate victims.

We know that Serb victims mean nothing to them, but this way, they have shown that their victims also serve only to collect cheap political points. This was a fiasco that showed that force is used to impose some resolution on such an important issue and that there is no consensus. We heard this from most countries yesterday, and that is the truth. This aims only to raise tensions and create disorder in the region,” Dodik said.

For all those who perhaps did not hear, but we know they follow and listen, said the president of Republika Srpska, I repeat and will repeat as many times as necessary until they hear – there was no genocide in Srebrenica!

“Every Serb understood yesterday, if not before, that the Germans were and remain the enemies of the Serbian people and that the Muslims never wanted dialogue and cooperation with the Serbs, neither then nor now. The opportunity best shows what kind of person you are, and the Bosniaks have now shown that lies and deceit are what they build and intend to build their identity on,” Dodik concluded.

Republika Srpska is a foreign land to them

Regarding the statement by the BiH ambassador to the UN, Zlatko Lagumdžija, that the adoption of the resolution is, as he says, “a great day for the whole world that has once again brought Srebrenica into focus and that the world has recognized Srebrenica as a planetary tragedy, a crime of genocide,” the president of Republika Srpska stated that Lagumdžija, who grossly abused his position at the behest of the twisted Denis Bećirović, is now trying to boast about how they supposedly achieved something.

“And not only Lagumdžija, all of them are trying to present to their people that they supposedly succeeded. They achieved nothing except to bury Bosnia and Herzegovina. They postponed the vote several times just to avoid total shame because many countries were forced and blackmailed to vote. The resolution has no significance because the number of those who did not vote is far greater than those who joined the sick intentions of Germany to present its victims as genocidal. Once again, we see Germany’s desire to ensure domination and control this part of the Balkans, and its same sick intentions that once almost led to the extermination of the Serbs,” Dodik pointed out.

He indicated that Germany is showing the world through Bosnia and Herzegovina that it is their colony, that their manager rules there, imposes laws and rules on the peoples.

“The policy of the German authorities is extremely hostile towards the Serbian people. Their government includes a minister who is a descendant of a Nazi. This is evil that does not rest and that only the German people can and must let go,” Dodik said in an interview with Srna.

When asked to comment on the statement by the Minister of Defense in the Council of Ministers, Zukan Helez, that, as he says, allies are closely monitoring everything and have a plan if something happens, that a plane was circling above Srebrenica during the session of the Republika Srpska government that was scanning everything and that everything is under control, Dodik said that for Helez, the territory of Republika Srpska is foreign in every sense.

“The institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina have done nothing to stop this person even after numerous false statements, spreading hate speech, and calling for war. This man is dangerous and ready for anything, and in the position he holds, he threatens the security situation,” Dodik said.

The Montenegrin government is not a friend of Republika Srpska, our strength and freedom is in Serbia

When asked about his stance on Montenegro’s support for the Srebrenica resolution, which surprised the Serb people not only in Republika Srpska but in the region as well, Dodik said that no Serb, despite earlier announcements from the Montenegrin government, was not shocked by what Montenegro did.

“This is a lesson from which all of us, Serbs, must learn and stop being fools who always believe in justice and truth. A government that made such a decision is not a friend of Republika Srpska, and we will not maintain any contacts with them. Representatives of the Serbs who were bypassed in these processes remained dignified and showed their attitude towards the resolution. We understand their position, which is as difficult as ours in Bosnia and Herzegovina,” Dodik emphasized.

He noted that the Serbs in Republika Srpska and Montenegro have no other homeland except Serbia, and this resolution showed that.

“Our freedom and strength are in Serbia, and the day will come when we will all officially be together. We are one on all issues, and everything we have seen these days, including the shameful betrayal of Montenegro, has united us even more and showed that Republika Srpska and the Republic of Serbia are one state,” Dodik emphasized.

Regarding the media appearances of Ćamil Duraković and his statement that some countries knew nothing about the “genocide” in Srebrenica, had not even heard of it, but voted for the resolution thanks to, as he said, the diplomatic activity of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dodik said that Srebrenica and every victim who suffered in Bosnia and Herzegovina do not need any resolution but responsible people working on building trust and good relations among peoples.

“As the vice president of Republika Srpska, Duraković now repeats the same lessons, showing disrespect towards Serbs and Republika Srpska, where he enjoys all privileges and, more importantly, has the tools and opportunities to work for a better future for his people. But he, like the other Bosniaks, does not want a better future for the Bosniak people, but only looks out for his personal interest, which they satisfy by spreading hatred towards Serbs. They are loyal to their sponsors, not the victims they constantly humiliate, as they best demonstrated with their approach yesterday,” Dodik pointed out.

He reminded that for years we have heard and seen aid and various donations coming to Srebrenica, but we have not seen any results.

“Nothing was done there, nor did the people see any benefits from it. This is the policy Duraković talks about. It would be better for him to explain to his people where those donations and aid that were intended for them ended up,” Dodik said, adding that Duraković had many opportunities to help the people of Srebrenica and missed every single one.

In BiH, they want to remain a German-American protectorate; Serbs are not and will not be anyone’s servants

When asked to comment on the changes to the rules of the Constitutional Court of BiH, which will be on the agenda of the court’s session on May 30, allowing decisions to be made with three votes, i.e., that the three foreign judges can make decisions on

their own, the president of Republika Srpska responded that simultaneously with the German resolution on BiH, we are getting this information that in the so-called Constitutional Court of BiH, foreigners will officially decide and rule on BiH alone, and we are supposed to think that these two things are not connected, that it was not the ultimate goal, the final solution.

“First, they will make a decision that will force Republika Srpska to react, and then they will introduce what they wanted from the beginning and thus blame the Serbs for everything again. They want to keep the German-American protectorate here. That is clear. They have a false Schmidt, they have entered every institution and intervene, they have created a political process against me, and yet they cannot change the reality in BiH. Everything they do is not in the Constitution. This is not a Constitutional Court; it is a foreign political organization of an inquisitorial nature whose ultimate goal is to deal with Republika Srpska and decide on all important issues to allow them to control all resources and manage everything,” Dodik explained.

He warned that Germans, Americans, and British want to completely neutralize the Serbs and only implement their agenda, but they will never be able to control the Serbs, Republika Srpska, or its democratically elected political representatives.

“The Serbs have never been and will never be anyone’s servants, no matter the cost,” concluded the president of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, in an interview with Srna.

Source: RTRS
