The Mayor of Srebrenica, Mladen Grujičić, stated that the Srebrenica resolution is an attack on Republika Srpska, Serbia, and the entire Serb people, and that at this moment, Serbs must stand united, as there is an ongoing attempt to destroy them.

“Today, a session of the Government of Republika Srpska is being held in Srebrenica, making it a place of unity for the Serb people. Serbs have recognized what has happened, they know the resolution will be adopted, but they are also aware of the struggle of Serbia and Republika Srpska,” Grujičić said to RTRS.

He emphasized that the resolution on Srebrenica aims to forbid the discussion of the truth and the presentation of arguments, effectively putting an end to their lies.

Grujičić warned that adopting the resolution would return Srebrenica to a time of instability, disrupting the coexistence and stability the municipality has achieved over the past eight years.

“Srebrenica is a stable municipality and an example of multicultural societies. This evidently bothers some, and they intentionally raise tensions,” he said, adding that the Serb people want to live in peace.

Grujičić highlighted the disheartening fact that Germany is the proposer of the resolution, given that it is a country that committed genocide during World War II.

Source: RTRS
