President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, stated today that BiH has been brought into the greatest political crisis from which it will not emerge.

“Those who talk the most about BiH have nailed its coffin shut. Republika Srpska will defend national and people’s interests,” Dodik emphasized after the session of the Government of Republika Srpska in Srebrenica, which he attended along with Serb ministers in the Council of Ministers.

He mentioned that Srebrenica has long been a political issue, and now, with the resolution in the UN General Assembly, there is an attempt to impose the narrative of alleged genocide and assign collective responsibility to the Serb people.

Dodik reminded that there is no decision or agreed position of the BiH Presidency on this resolution, and that all issues in BiH must be resolved by consensus.

He stressed that Republika Srpska will draft a report on violations of the Dayton Agreement, create an agreement on peaceful separation, and send it to the Federation of BiH.

Dodik announced that the Government, together with local authorities, will form a commission tasked with establishing a date to be annually commemorated as the day of Srebrenica victims, considering both Bosniak and Serb victims in the area.

Source: RTRS
