President of the Matica of Greeks in Serbia, Professor Dr. Christos Alexopoulos, is in New York to provide maximum support to the Serb people’s fight against the revision of history.

“I feel a moral obligation to the brotherly Orthodox Serb people, who have suffered greatly and endured three genocides in the 20th century, to use all my influence and contacts to fight against the shameful resolution that aims to place someone else’s bloody sins on the righteous shoulders of the proud and just Serb people,” emphasized Alexopoulos.

Alexopoulos conveyed that “the Greek people stand with Serbia and the Serb people, regardless of any differences in political or ideological beliefs.”

“Our two nations, Serbs and Greek, best understand the value of freedom because we were the first at the gates of civilized Europe to face those who wanted to destroy the foundations on which modern Europe rests. How can anyone have the audacity to accuse the Serb people of genocide!? Do the sponsors of this shameful resolution not hear the cries of the martyred million Serbs from Jasenovac, who died for the freedom of that same Europe?! No lie or revision can conquer the strength of truth, and the voice of the people is the voice of God. Thus, the Greek people say: We stand with Serbia, we have, we do, and we always will!” emphasized Alexopoulos.

Alexopoulos noted that “the truth cannot be overlooked that the Serb people made the greatest sacrifice proportionate to their size and population in the First World War, also in the Second, and at the end of the 20th century achieved a victory that symbolizes not only Serbian but also Orthodox brilliance that emerged from the prison of a bloody civil war – Republika Srpska! I want to tell the people in Republika Srpska that Srpska is eternal and that we will always steadfastly stand by our brotherly people from the left bank of the Drina! Long live the freedom-loving Serbian people! No lie will hide the truth!” concluded Alexopoulos.

Source: RTRS
