The Director of the Center for Social and Political Research of Republika Srpska, Dušan Pavlović, stated during the show “You Have the Word” with Milijana Kos on ATV Television that the resolution on Srebrenica is a kind of reflection of the general state in the world and some tectonic shifts.

“It is not excluded that the date will be postponed again. It is clear, after all these events, what the motives of various players and participants in this unfortunate plan and project are. It is clear that they now have a problem, perhaps for the first time, to convince the dominant players of the political West on the international stage, often using blackmail, to vote for something very controversial in its essence because it arose from unlawfulness, illegality,” Pavlović said.

He added that the very appearance of the resolution before the General Assembly is questionable.

“The constitution of a state is being violated, which is part of an international peace agreement. Not just any international agreement but a peace agreement that has special weight because it stops a war, brings peace. In such a country, a state like Germany and others whose roles are extremely problematic take it upon themselves to propose such documents that directly lead to further destabilization, further deepening of conflicts and misunderstandings,” Pavlović noted.

He stated that the ordinary people do not need this.


“Ordinary people feel, speaking of all three sides in BiH and the region, that something is not right here. Who needs this, for what interests do different groups exist? When we talk about who in BiH needs this – it is needed by the pan-Islamist structures of the Muslim Brotherhood who are part of a global structure in BiH, and the Muslim Brotherhood is the root of all modern radical Islamist movements in the world. They have been present here for almost 90 years, and now we are additionally opening and thematizing this issue. The SDA is the political wing of the Muslim Brotherhood here, and today we have on the scene the actions of both official members of the SDA and those who came from Alija Izetbegović’s camp, like Lagumdžija, who was with Izetbegović during the war and advocated that narrative. Their goal is to destabilize BiH, to prevent the strengthening of democratic institutions in BiH because according to political Islam, no democratic, human law should exist above Sharia, and they are fighting for the establishment of Sharia in BiH and the establishment of an Islamic BiH,” Pavlović explained.

Speaking of the Germans who are the main sponsors of the resolution, Pavlović said they are merely continuing to pursue their strategic goals that have been ongoing for 150 years.

“That is the expansion to the east and southeast. Everything that Hitler did – they are doing today but in different ways. When you look at their strategic plans – expansion to the southeast of Europe, their main enemy has always been the Serbian people, and they have aimed to destroy the Serbian people and reduce them to a measure that suits them so that the Serbs cannot create problems. The consequence of their actions in the last hundred years, German actions in these areas, can be seen through the example of the NDH. In the NDH, which they created, sponsored, and which committed genocide against the Serbs. They created and controlled the NDH, to the extent that they could have stopped the genocide against the Serbs in the NDH, but they even supported and participated in it. In the NDH, around two million Serbs lived; today, on the territories of Croatia and BiH, we have just over a million Serbs after eighty years since the genocide supported by Germany. What is Germany doing today? Through the resolution, they continue to dehumanize the Serbian people because they need to be declared genocidal,” Pavlović stated.

Pavlović added that what Germany is doing is merely a continuation of the destruction of the Serb people.

“The political elite is waging a kind of war against the Serbian people in these areas,” Pavlović said, adding that these are all processes that have been ongoing for a long time.

“The Germans and other participants need to put the Serbs under complete control, to destroy their moral credibility so they can blackmail them into being a genocidal people and prevent them from participating equally in international processes,” he noted.

He also said that this is, among other things, an attack on Russia.

“The political West through NATO wants to have complete control over this area because they plan to expand further east,” he added.

Speaking of the consequences that the potential adoption of the resolution would have on these areas, Pavlović said it would only strengthen the pan-Islamist radical structures of the Muslim Brotherhood at the local level.

“They will gain credibility to say they are genocide victims; it will give them momentum and additional space to deny the crimes they committed against Serbs, and even Croats, during the war. This will, in turn, create new reactions, tensions, and destabilization,” he added.

He noted that Croatia has joined the sponsorship because it suits them to talk less about the NDH and more about the Serbs.

“Even though the resolution is not legally binding, it is a political document and a very good resource in the hands of those who control the media in the world, and we have come to a situation where people in the West live in an ‘Orwellian media cloud,’ and those media narratives create reality,” he added.

“You Have the Word” VIDEO

Source: ATV
