Career diplomat Zoran Milivojević stated today that the resolution on Srebrenica will certainly not achieve its hidden objectives because the resistance from Belgrade and Banja Luka will persist regardless of the outcome. He emphasized that the arguments currently used against the resolution will continue to be effective in future political and diplomatic actions.

In a statement to Tanjug, Milivojević said that the two postponements of the vote on the resolution indicate that its sponsors are facing serious difficulties in achieving the intended effects of the resolution. He noted that the essence lies in the credibility of the resolution and its political goals, which is why a significant majority in the UN General Assembly is needed, and this has been seriously undermined by the resistance from Serbia and the actions of Belgrade and Banja Luka.

“It is evident that there is a division that calls into question the credibility of the resolution and its political goals. If Russia and China vote against it, and if India abstains, this significantly questions the effects of the resolution and its strategic goals. Regardless of the outcome, even if it passes, it will do so with a defect, without the ability to realize those strategic goals, and it will highlight the division and the quality of our resistance,” Milivojević stated.

Responding to the question of whether Serbia can withstand the pressure from major powers regarding the resolution on Srebrenica, as well as the situation in Kosovo and Metohija and the potential membership of so-called Kosovo in the Council of Europe, Milivojević said that Serbia is already fighting and will continue to fight by not recognizing Kosovo. He noted that the effects of Serbia’s efforts on the political, diplomatic, and other fronts are already visible, especially in the case of the Srebrenica resolution, which has been postponed twice.

“The situation with the Council of Europe is the same; it cannot pass easily and smoothly and produce the intended effects of forcibly confirming Kosovo’s statehood. The struggle continues, and this letter shows that the fight is having an effect. I must highlight President Vučić’s visit to Paris and France’s engagement, but primarily Serbia’s arguments, as pushing something by force questions many strategic interests in this region,” Milivojević concluded.

Source: RTRS
