The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, stated today that a comprehensive war is being waged against the Serb people, their states – Republika Srpska and Serbia – and Serb communities wherever they are located, including Montenegro, Slovenia, and Croatia.

“This does not imply an armed conflict, but everything in the arsenal of fighting against Serbs is being used,” said Dodik, who met today with the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, His Holiness Serb Patriarch Porfirije, and bishops of the Serb Orthodox Church.

Dodik emphasized that Serbia is currently stronger than it has been in the past, providing security to Serbs wherever they are.

He mentioned that the relations between Republika Srpska and Serbia have never been better or more concrete.

“Republika Srpska is aware that without a strong Serbia, it cannot survive, let alone hold a strong position,” said Dodik.

He highlighted that the resolution on Srebrenica is aimed at attacking the Serbian people.

“If the Serbian people remain within Bosnia and Herzegovina as a political entity after this resolution, they will be lost in the next few decades,” said Dodik.

He noted that a victory might not be achieved at the UN, but Serbia will undoubtedly demonstrate that it can change some tendencies on the international political stage.

“I hope the Assembly will be highly successful, and what the Serb people need is a strong expression of unity within our Church. The decisions you will make should certainly reflect that to send a clear message to Serbs, wherever they live,” said Dodik.

Source: RTRS
