The visit of the Republika Srpska delegation, led by President Milorad Dodik, to Budapest confirms that Srpska has friends on all sides, and Hungary has proven to be not only a friend of Republika Srpska but also of international law, political scientist Aleksandar Pavić stated.

Pavić explained that this is evident after Dodik’s meeting with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, agreements on the implementation of economic projects, and Hungary’s support on all important issues.

He pointed out that this is also demonstrated by the message from Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó that it is time to stop the demonization of the Serbian people, which primarily refers to the proposed resolution on Srebrenica and the possible consequences of its adoption in the UN General Assembly.

“All of this confirms that Republika Srpska is not isolated, as some claim. President Dodik recently met with [Russian President Vladimir] Putin and is a frequent guest in Russia. He is also respected as a dialogue partner with China. Evidence of this is his presence at the formal lunch when Chinese President Xi Jinping was in Belgrade,” Pavić told SRNA.

Pavić emphasized that it is very important that the Hungarians clearly stated they would not vote for the resolution on Srebrenica and that no one should expect any rift between Budapest, Belgrade, and Banja Luka on this issue.

“It is crucial that we remain united in this triangle of Budapest-Belgrade-Banja Luka. Very positive messages have come from the Hungarian side due to this visit by President Dodik,” Pavić highlighted.

Source: RTRS
