President Aleksandar Vučić declared today at the Russian House that he will once again travel to New York, where he will stay from Sunday evening until Thursday evening, to fight for the truth and ensure that the honor of Republika Srpska and Serbia is not taken away.

“We face a tough task, and to be completely personal, for me, this may be the hardest seven days since I have been the Prime Minister or President of Serbia. I will be fully dedicated to our fight and will spend from Sunday evening, Monday, until that Thursday afternoon or evening in New York, where I will fight for the truth, knowing that we have no chance of winning. Absolutely none,” Vučić said at the Russian House during his speech on the topic “Revision of Historical Facts and the Resistance of Freedom-Loving Nations.”

He stated that he will fight in New York, fully aware of the powerful machinery of the collective West and knowing how rich, powerful, and arrogant they are.

“But we have no choice. They have cornered us, and when you are cornered, you no longer worry about whether you can move or escape, because there is no way out of the corner. You focus on what you are defending, and what we are defending and will not let them take from us – that is our honor, that is Republika Srpska, and that is the Republic of Serbia. We will fight for Serbia more strongly and fiercely than they expected, just as we have fought until now. And when they adopt that resolution, we will fight even more fiercely,” Vučić emphasized.

“We will never bow our heads before those who would declare the most severely suffering people in the Balkans as genocidal,” Vučić asserted.

President Vučić concluded his speech at the Russian House with the words: “We will preserve both Serbia and Republika Srpska.”

Source: RTRS
