President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik announced that negotiations with Hungarian companies will commence at the end of May for their participation in the construction of the “Hrgud” wind farm and the sewage system in Gradiška.

  • The value of these and other projects in the agricultural sector is close to 150 million euros. Additionally, 360 entities have applied for the agricultural program, amounting to approximately 4.5 million euros, and it has been agreed that all will be included in the program – Dodik stated in Budapest after meetings with Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó and Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.

Dodik emphasized that discussions also covered electric energy, highlighting that Republika Srpska aims to develop the best possible relations with Hungary.

Dodik noted that Hungary, alongside Serbia, is the most important economic partner of Republika Srpska.

  • Hungary will assume the presidency of the EU from July 1. We see this as an opportunity to explore possibilities for a realistic approach to BiH’s European path – Dodik emphasized.

Source: RTRS
