The Prime Minister of Republika Srpska, Radovan Višković, stated today in Banja Luka that Republika Srpska expects a significant change in the United States’ attitude towards the Serb people with the election of Donald Trump as the President of the United States.

Višković met today with Robert McEwen, the executive director of the consulting firm “Council for National Policy.”

McEwen expressed interest in the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the unjust sanctions imposed on officials of Republika Srpska, the activities of the US Embassy in BiH, and the resolution on Srebrenica that is to be considered by the UN General Assembly.

  • We have good cooperation with McEwen. We will work on having US congressmen visit Republika Srpska so they can get an accurate picture of the situation in BiH – said Višković after the meeting.

McEwen emphasized that it was an honor to talk with the Prime Minister of Republika Srpska.

  • It was an honor for me to represent the state of Ohio in the US Congress, and in that capacity, I was able to support the Serbian community – said McEwen.

McEwen noted that better days are coming in terms of relations between the US and Republika Srpska, especially in terms of the economy.

Source: RTRS
