The resolution on Srebrenica has been proposed to punish the Serb people, particularly the Republika Srpska, for its independent political stance and sovereign foreign policy it pursues, stated historian Milos Ković to SRNA.

“Similar to the trial of the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, this is one way to exert pressure on both Srpska and Serbia, as well as on the entire Serb people, who fortunately continue to think the same way. This is evidently political pressure, an abuse of war and history,” Ković said in East Sarajevo, where he participated in the scientific-expert round table “Russia, Ukraine, and Balkan Parallels.”

He emphasized that the crimes committed by Muslim soldiers from Srebrenica against Serbs in Srebrenica, Milici, and Bratunac are completely ignored.

“To kill a Serb is unpunishable, but that’s why one war crime is labeled as genocide. Obviously, Srebrenica was also used to cover up crimes against civilians during ‘Operation Storm,’ because women, children, and the elderly were killed in Croatia then. These are all manipulations, but thank God, historians do not pay much attention to that. At least they shouldn’t,” Ković said.

According to Ković, historians should not pay much attention to political abuses, the political interests of any party.

“In the future, it will be clear what happened in the 1990s, what genocide was carried out against the Serb people in Krajina, in Sarajevo, Kosovo, and Metohija, and what Srebrenica actually was. So historians will only write the true history of these events,” Ković emphasized.

He also assessed that with the resolution on Srebrenica, its proponents Germany and the United States are trying to justify what is happening in Gaza, that is, trying to justify their support for Israel by sending a message to the Muslim world about their goodwill and concern for Muslim lives.

“It is obvious that there is a clear political intention behind it,” Ković said.

Source: RTRS
