The Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia, Aleksandar Vulin, emphasized that the genocide perpetrated by the Ustasha regime in the Jasenovac camp cannot be equated with the events in Srebrenica in July 1995, where such a crime of such proportions did not occur. He assessed that the voting on the resolution on Srebrenica at the UN was postponed not because the proponents lacked a majority, but because the “small majority” did not favor it.

Vulin expressed support for the initiative of the President of the Montenegrin Parliament, Andrija Mandić, to adopt a resolution on the genocide in Jasenovac but believes that Jasenovac and Srebrenica should not be equated.

“The genocide in Jasenovac and the alleged genocide in Srebrenica are not the same. Those two things cannot be equated, and it cannot be said, ‘Here, we committed genocide in Srebrenica, and you did it in Jasenovac.’ No, we did not commit genocide in Srebrenica, while genocide was committed in Jasenovac,” Vulin stated in an interview with TV Pink.

He believes that this will open Pandora’s box worldwide, with every country submitting resolutions on genocide.

“Imagine what will be remembered on the African continent, how many French, British, German, Italian, Portuguese crimes, how much horror Belgians caused in Congo? The world will again deal with what has been done to the world,” Vulin added.

Vulin emphasized that Serbia has proven to be a formidable opponent because it defends principles and truth.

The Bosniak part of the BiH mission to the UN unilaterally, without the decision of the BiH Presidency, sponsored by some Western countries, initiated the adoption of a new resolution on Srebrenica at the UN General Assembly. Previously, nine years ago, Russia vetoed the British resolution on Srebrenica in the UN Security Council.

An independent international commission investigating the suffering of all peoples in the Srebrenica region from 1992 to 1995 concluded that neither individual acts of genocide nor genocide as a whole occurred in Srebrenica. A commission of ten world experts concluded that Serbs never had such a plan either in Srebrenica or anywhere else.

Source: RTRS
