The Agency for Information and Communication Technologies of Republika Srpska presented the direction of development of the information security ecosystem of Republika Srpska with the aim of strengthening information security.

In the last 19 years, Republika Srpska has digitized 12 critical sectors, but this process of digitization has not been accompanied by measures for information security, stated the director of the Agency for Information and Communication Technologies of Republika Srpska, Dražen Višnjić.

The primary goal of this project, he says, is the construction of a new efficient information security system.

“We live in an era where we have an evolution of threats, attacks, malicious software vulnerabilities, and fraud. Very complex analyses of these threats and directions of systemic protection have been done. For the first time in information security, we are integrating two other factors, which are protection of children and youth from harmful content on the Internet, where the Government will form groups in the next period to develop republic-level protection measures, as well as protection of medium and small enterprises,” said Višnjić.

Source: RTRS
