The support for the Srebrenica resolution is a shameful act of Montenegro, said the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik.

And we must not forget that – stated Dodik.

He emphasized that he did not expect Montenegro to continue such a brutal policy towards Serbs.

Previously, they recognized the so-called Kosovo* or the attitude towards BiH, not counting that there is also Republika Srpska there – Dodik noted.

He stressed that Republika Srpska supports the Serb people in Montenegro.

  • They are oppressed there from the standpoint of Milo Djukanovic’s policy, but we see that circumstances and freedoms for our people in Montenegro have not improved even now – said Dodik.

Dodik stated that Jasenovac and Srebrenica are not comparable.

  • And they cannot be compared from any side. And we, first of all Serbs, especially those from Republika Srpska, should avoid that trap of comparison. They want to give importance to Srebrenica, not to pay tribute and reverence to the victims in Jasenovac. That needs to stop – Dodik emphasized.

He emphasized that Jasenovac itself is horrifying.

  • As for Montenegro, of course, we are not pleased, but we will not forget. Montenegro, when this was happening in Srebrenica, was active in supporting such events that were happening there – Dodik stated.

He stressed that the proposal of the Srebrenica resolution is a heavy document that will remain permanently in the perception of the people.

  • And now we see those who would wash their conscience and then behave like this. Republika Srpska does not accept that – Dodik stated.

He emphasized that the resolution has no connection with verdicts.

  • It is a political platform that should enable them to devastate Republika Srpska. We will need additional strength – Dodik concluded.

Source: RTRS
