Sanja Vulić, the leader of the SNSD club of deputies in the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, has emphasized that there is no greater threat to Dayton BiH than Christian Schmidt and the group that feeds his ego and convinces him that he is the High Representative.

“When I first heard his scandalous statement that he is ‘the guarantor of the existence of entities in BiH,’ I thought it was a translation error, but when he repeated it last night at the Security Council session, it definitely showed what kind of person he is. He is the guarantor, and Milorad Dodik is the threat!? Such a statement could only be concocted by a pathological liar like Schmidt who persistently lies to himself and everyone around him that he is the High Representative,” Vulić stated.

She told Srna news agency that the German tourist has long reminded her of a character from an Emir Kusturica film who repeats the acting line: “Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better,” so does Schmidt: “I am the High Representative, I am the High Representative,” thinking that the lie he convinces himself of will one day become the truth.

“For starters, I would tell that German to read the General Framework Agreement for Peace in BiH and learn who the guarantors of the Dayton Peace Agreement are, instead of spouting nonsense even at a Security Council session. Isn’t it enough for him to imagine that he is the High Representative without a Security Council resolution, and now he wants to be a guarantor. No one can be a legitimate High Representative without that document, so neither can Christian Schmidt, and he certainly can never be the ‘guarantor of the existence of entities,'” Vulić emphasized.

She said that these personal interpretations by Schmidt are the product of his frustrations because Dayton is not a literary work to be interpreted based on personal impression, but a peace agreement whose every letter must be respected.

“Christian Schmidt is the one who, since his entry into BiH, has been dismantling and unpacking Dayton. His only and greatest problem is Milorad Dodik, who is an obstacle to the unpacking of Dayton because he insists on respecting and implementing the letter, not the spirit. Schmidt wants BiH’s property and unpacks Dayton with the aim of achieving personal interests, but we from Republika Srpska will never give him an inch of our land!” Vulić declared.

She said that Serb political representatives are not his obedient nodders like the politicians from the FBiH who gave land in Vareš at Schmidt’s signal.

“For all the crises and patrols by EUFOR representatives on the streets in BiH, no one else is to blame but Christian Schmidt. Citizens across BiH are concerned, and for that, he and the crowd around him that supports his false position are exclusively to blame. Unlike them, Milorad Dodik advocates for a Dayton BiH, but such a BiH is not in Schmidt’s interest, so he sows hatred and unrest among the people.

Peace and stability in BiH are the true goals of Republika Srpska. The most severe violations of human rights have been imposed by none other than Christian Schmidt, all with the aim of negatively labeling the Serbian people and politically targeting Milorad Dodik,” said Vulić.

Source: RTRS
