The Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Serbia, Aleksandar Vranješ, has described as scandalous the attack by the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Council of Ministers, Elmedin Konaković, on the Israeli Ambassador to Serbia, Jahel Vilan, and announced that he will send a letter to the Israeli ambassador today to clarify that Konaković does not speak on behalf of BiH. He strongly condemns Konaković’s insulting behavior towards the ambassador and his belittling of the Holocaust, a stance strongly condemned by Republika Srpska, led by President Milorad Dodik.

Ambassador Vranješ stated that he would remind the Israeli ambassador that the Constitution of BiH does not allow any Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Council of Ministers to conduct foreign policy independently of the established decisions of the Presidency of BiH, and that Konaković’s scandalous messages should be seen exclusively as his personal frustration, and not as the stance of BiH.

“I will explain to my colleague Jahel that Minister Konaković is facing allegations of alleged collaboration with a drug cartel, and he chooses topics to divert public attention from this very serious problem for him. He has also attacked the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, calculating that Serbophobia is always a sure method for shifting the focus of the Bosniak public,” emphasized Vranješ.

He highlighted that Konaković also uses the potential Srebrenica resolution in an attempt to make people forget these serious accusations against him.

Following Ambassador Vilan’s statement that Israel has never accepted the term genocide for the crimes in Srebrenica, Konaković launched a series of insults at him, among other things calling him “a disgrace to diplomacy and a human disgrace.”

Source: RTRS
