The 1995 Dayton Agreement has ensured peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina for over 28 years, and Republika Srpska remains committed to its faithful implementation, which includes a commitment to the Constitution, and the sovereignty and territorial integrity of BiH, as stated in the first part of the 31st Report of Republika Srpska to the UN Security Council.

The report highlights Republika Srpska’s unwavering commitment to the Dayton Agreement, which also implies a steadfast commitment to peace.

“Republika Srpska and its leaders consistently exclude any recourse to violence for any reason. This contrasts with statements by Bosniak politicians who regularly speak of war, such as the Minister of Defense in the Council of Ministers, Zukan Helez, who recently stated that it is necessary to introduce military training in high schools because children do not know how to handle firearms,” the document states.

The report notes that political rivals must resolve their differences solely through dialogue and by respecting the constitutional order of BiH.

“Republika Srpska also supports and cooperates with the EU ‘Althea’ operation on its important mission to ensure that peace in BiH is not disturbed,” the document states.

The report also states that Republika Srpska’s commitment to Dayton includes insisting that the Constitution of BiH – the heart of the Dayton compromise – be implemented faithfully as written, and that the Constitution provides for a democratic system in which most powers reside with the two entities that make up BiH.

“The Constitution also contains mechanisms for protecting the interests of all constituent peoples in BiH /Bosniaks, predominantly Muslims, Serbs, predominantly Orthodox Christians, and Croats, predominantly Roman Catholics/. This constitutional order assures each people that they will not be dominated by other peoples, and it is this assurance that is the basis of the peace that has prevailed in BiH since 1995,” the document states.

The report warns that the constitutional order of BiH, especially the constitutional division of powers whereby the majority of them belong to the entities, as well as mechanisms for protecting the interests of the constituent peoples, have been severely violated, mostly by foreign interventions, particularly through illegal dictatorial decisions by high representatives and Christian Schmidt.

“Understanding how vital the constitutional order of BiH is for the future of the country, Republika Srpska will continue to defend it from these attacks, and it will do so through legal and peaceful means,” the document states.

The Prime Minister of Republika Srpska, Radovan Višković, has sent the 31st Report of Republika Srpska to the UN Secretary-General and the members of the Security Council, covering the period from October 2023 to April 2024. In this report, the government, as in previous reports, expresses its views on the key issues and problems facing BiH, with the aim of clarifying its positions to the members of the UN Security Council and the international community.

Source: RTRS
