The EU has been demanding all this time that Republika Srpska join the absurd policy of sanctions against Russia, while trading Russian gas under the table, said the President of Srpska, Milorad Dodik.

“Who do they think they are fooling?” asked Dodik.

He questioned whether they really think someone will stay silent and agree to these illogical actions, while the import of Russian liquefied gas continues to grow year after year.

“German portals write about this, and here they tell us what we should do, how we should behave, who should be our friend, who not. They think they can choose for us. They won’t be arranging our affairs. They are just hypocrites, using the peoples of the Balkans as some kind of experiment and think they can do whatever they want with us. It’s the same story in the Federation, publicly denouncing Russians, while heating up with their gas. Unlike hypocritical Europe which uses it for profit and has left its citizens to freeze and pay for expensive American gas, Srpska has always put its people, our national interests, and conducted responsible state policy first,” highlighted Dodik on X (formerly Twitter).

He pointed out that this is the main difference between us and the West.

“For us, the Serbian people come first and always will, ahead of any profit and everything else, even if it means being under sanctions,” stated Dodik.

Source: RTRS
