Draga Mastilović, Director of the Institute of Historical Sciences at the University of East Sarajevo, stated that the remarks by American professor of international law Francis Boyle about the potential use of the Srebrenica resolution for political purposes reveal the intentions of the proponents and sponsors of the controversial document. He also pointed out that Republika Srpska cannot be abolished without a new pogrom or genocide against the Serbian people in BiH.

“For us, there is nothing new in Boyle’s statement because all rational people knew when the judgment on the alleged ‘genocide in Srebrenica’ was made that it was not a legal but a political judgment that would in the future be used against Republika Srpska and the Serbian people,” Mastilović told Srna, regarding Boyle’s claim that the Srebrenica resolution, if adopted, “will be binding throughout the UN organization” and could be the basis for abolishing Republika Srpska someday.

He assessed that this statement is significant because it reveals to the international public the ultimate intentions of its proponents and sponsors of the resolution, which is the abolition of Republika Srpska, simultaneously meaning the destruction of the Dayton Peace Agreement and another in a series of violations of international law.

“To tell the truth, Western powers have never had a problem violating international law when it was necessary to carry out aggression against Republika Srpska or Serbia and generally against the Serbian people. But now all countries that might vote for this resolution must be aware of the fact that they are simultaneously voting to annul an internationally recognized legal act and further devastate an already devastated international law,” emphasized Mastilović.

Mastilović emphasized that it should not be forgotten that Republika Srpska cannot be abolished without a new pogrom or genocide against the Serbian people in BiH, and that all those who would vote for this resolution are simultaneously voting to legalize new genocidal intentions towards the Serbian people.

Francis Boyle, a professor of international law at Harvard and the first agent of BiH before the International Court of Justice in The Hague, stated that the Srebrenica resolution in the UN General Assembly should be used to promote the interests of BiH and to “resolve” Republika Srpska, which he called a “genocidal creation.” Boyle mentioned that the resolution would “provide a powerful weapon in the toolkit to achieve this.”

Source: RTRS
