“I am a man of Republika Srpska and the Serb people, and I am grateful to Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, because he wants to discuss the problems of a small Srpska. Do you know what a privilege that is?” said President Milorad Dodik during his appearance on the show Pečat.

“The fact that some try to portray me as a villain because I am on good terms with Putin is extremely positive for me. I will meet with Putin at least once more this year, and we will have plenty to discuss,” Dodik stated.

He mentions that there is no need to explain the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina to Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.

“He knows it. Others know it too. There hasn’t been an event, as I’ve traveled across Europe, where people haven’t expressed their understanding. One of the most important people in the European Commission approached me and said I was right about everything I speak of. Unfortunately, the atmosphere is such that it isn’t accepted. It’s not enough that we have the facts; unfortunately, the atmosphere is what matters,” says Dodik.

However, this does not mean, Dodik emphasizes, that if the atmosphere is against us, we should give up on ourselves.

“We will not give up on ourselves. I see that there’s also a hysteria about my stay in Russia. What do they care where I go? Am I spending their money? What do they care?” asks the President of Republika Srpska.

He recalled his participation in the Security Forum in Saint Petersburg, which had over 130 participants.

“I was the first among foreign participants to speak, as a guest of honor. I was proud of that. There were India, China, Brazil, Kazakhstan, almost all African countries that may not have even heard of us. I am grateful to the people who said I was their guest of honor,” Dodik said.

He also reminded of the flag of Republika Srpska among the flags of many other countries participating in the Security Forum.

Source: RTRS
