Željka Cvijanović, the Serb member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, stated on RTRS television that Christian Schmidt’s imposition of the Electoral Law has spoiled the atmosphere that existed in Bosnia and Herzegovina, demonstrating disrespect not only towards domestic institutions but also towards the efforts of the European Union.

“Schmidt has undermined the efforts to come together, to discuss, initiate, and execute certain matters, ultimately aiming to move boundaries towards the EU,” Cvijanović emphasized.

She added that Schmidt has caused dissatisfaction among both the Serb and Croat populations, while the Bosniaks and their political representatives seem to support this external involvement, preferring others to do their work.

“Bosniaks do not want to negotiate on a domestic level, thus opening the door for foreigners to intervene. I believe this is a great misfortune for Bosnia and Herzegovina, firstly that there is still someone who believes, despite being contradicted by Annex 10 of the Dayton Peace Agreement, that they have any right to impose laws, and secondly, that there are those who push him, who really want to present such a picture, that Bosnia and Herzegovina cannot function on its own, and that it needs this type of assistance,” she added.

Cvijanović highlights that this is not assistance but rather a hindrance, depriving and harming in many ways.

“We recognize those who incite disputes in this region, adding fuel to the fire. One such example is the American Ambassador Michael Murphy, who blames everything on Milorad Dodik. This primarily shows an unprofessional and undiplomatic approach. For everything they have contributed to our current state of affairs, it is easier for them to have someone to blame,” Cvijanović points out.

She further adds that they cannot detach themselves from something called colonial administration.

“Here, you are violating the democratic rights of the people, people who elect their representatives, and then those representatives carry out their policies. Such meddling in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as they conduct, is catastrophic for this region, what they are doing is leading us into an abyss, and I fear that it will be difficult to recover from this,” Cvijanović notes.

Today, she adds, in the Parliamentary Assembly, there are parties that can stand behind their political agreement.

“As for the Troika, I think they are quite frightened for their position and realize that they do not enjoy much support from the people. Their biggest problem is their submissive narrative, which is truly tragic, both for them and for Bosnia and Herzegovina,” Cvijanović states.

She says that the Republika Srpska and its governmental representatives always promote agreement between Serbs, Croats, and Bosniaks.

“Foreigners cannot impose laws; they are not legitimate proposers of anything. However the government is formed, you are in a position to manage processes, then do so together with your political colleagues,” Cvijanović concludes.

Source: RTRS
