In a resolution about Srebrenica, there is an attempt to characterize Serbs as genocidal to break their spirit, but you will not watch this movie of a Serb on his knees, journalist Gvozden Šarac stated in his column.

Here is the column in full:

It would have been better if the resolution on Srebrenica had been adopted much earlier, ideally even before 1995. It would have been best if a similar decree had been issued by the Turks right after the Battle of Kosovo when the Serbs stood against the Ottomans from Asia. Imagine if it had been declared back then that the Serbs were a people with a genocidal code, how much misery and evil caused by the existence of Serbs could have been prevented. If they had been equated with Lucifer early on, instead of being portrayed as a people of Saint Sava, the world would have been spared much suffering and misfortune, and Serbs would not exist. Some would have converted to Islam through “devshirme”, many under the Ustaše’s knife would have “gladly” donned the Croatian “jersey”, others would have remembered their authentic Montenegrin roots to become Montenegrins, and the rest would have “adorned” themselves with Albanian or Macedonian flags. And thus, humanity would rejoice: no Serbs, branded as a genocidal people, and thus mentioned in history. And everyone would be happy and content. The merciful Germans would not have feared being accused of inventing industrialized killing of Jews, Slavs, Romani, and others, and Americans and British could continue to bomb freedom-loving peoples for oil and other resources. Everyone would cleanse their biographies over the genocidal Serbs who indebted the world with crime and every misdeed.

But it’s not too late. Let the UN General Assembly, in line with Western democratic standards, vote to adopt the resolution on Srebrenica and show the world that it cares about the past, that it remembers when people were killed. And it should. And let no one dare to criticize them for not having similar resolutions on Jasenovac, Jadovno, Stari Brod, or Garavice, perhaps even Jajinci, Kraljevo, Kragujevac where Serbs were certainly killed and deserve to disappear. What do we need such “monstrous” people, unworthy of living on planet Earth for?

Or perhaps why there are no resolutions on the concentration camps Dachau, Auschwitz, Treblinka, and others. Do not dare suggest such a thing, lest the Germans feel offended, God forbid Angelina Berbok gets upset if someone mentions her grandfather in that context, do not do it. Or a resolution on the oppression of indigenous peoples in America, do not dare to mention the extent of the annihilation of the “red” man’s civilization by Europeans, lest Joe Biden feels bad.

P.S. He’s been looking a bit pale these days but he’s young, he’ll recover.

I suggest that when the resolution on Srebrenica is being adopted at the UN General Assembly, they should invite Brano Vučetić to applaud as Germany and Rwanda explain why it is important, and then with that resolution, he should go to the grave of his father, mother, and brother in Bratunac and confess to them… it’s better that your neighbors killed you ’92 before my eyes, and me they wounded and took to prison because in ’95 you would be declared genocidal, had you somehow survived under Naser’s knife…

Those still doubting that adopting the resolution on Srebrenica is good for the Serbian people should read more carefully and see that neither Republika Srpska nor Serbia is mentioned anywhere in the text. Why fear, brothers and sisters Serbs? You are anyway born genocidal, soon you will not exist, the Resolution is just a step towards your eradication.

It won’t be easy to erase Serbian traces from history and human consciousness. Wise books will have to delete that the Serbs sacrificed for Christian Europe at Kosovo and Metohija against the Turkish onslaught, that they initiated a revolutionary wave of liberation with France at the start of the 19th century, they will have to disappear from textbooks and the glorious battles at Cer, the ordeal over Albania, and the Resurrection at the Thessaloniki front when Serb infantry was faster than the French cavalry. The contributions of Serb minds like Milutin Milanković, Mileva Marić, and Mihajlo Pupin are already downplayed, Croatians certainly claim Nikola Tesla, artificial intelligence will make it that Novak Đoković was never the world’s best tennis player and that Serbian basketball players were the first Europeans to make a mark on the NBA courts. All this will be erased, and the Serbs will disappear.

Only the resolution on Srebrenica will remain because it is a civilizational need to characterize a small nation—the Serbs—as genocidal, to break them when three empires, NATO aviation and bombs, high representatives, and foreign judges could not.

And then I woke up and sent them all to hell. You will not watch that film about a Serb on his knees. We are obliged by the victims of the Defensive-Fatherland and all previous wars, and above all by generations proudly bearing the Serbian name and surname.

Source: RTRS
