The Russian Federation’s embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina has stated that the American claim blaming specific individuals for the instability in Bosnia and Herzegovina is incorrect; instead, the notorious international community is to blame.

The embassy emphasized that Washington has monopolized the role of the international factor in Bosnia and Herzegovina by transforming an objective and impartial participant in the peace and stability process into a tool of its selfish neo-colonial aspirations. Despite its flattering rhetoric and demonstrated concern, it cannot be a “proven friend.”

“Once a country ceases to be politically expedient or to generate billions of dollars in commercial profit for Americans, they abandon it without regret. This has been demonstrated by the example of Afghanistan and will be shown by Ukraine,” stated the diplomatic office.

The embassy highlighted that the global community witnessed another disgraceful move by the United States when Washington blocked Palestine’s admission to the UN in the Security Council while hypocritically supporting the illegally self-declared Kosovo and fostering conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“They are literally ‘pushing with their bayonets’ a fraudulent impostor. Politicized and biased court rulings are used as a tool to demonize one of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s constituent peoples and manipulate another,” they added.

This manipulation is particularly devilish because it taps into deeply ingrained feelings of pain and vulnerability resulting from tragic historical events, the embassy noted.

Therefore, the American thesis that the instability in Bosnia and Herzegovina is due to a specific individual, rather than the notorious international community, is incorrect.

The Russian embassy calls on political forces of common sense in Bosnia and Herzegovina to abandon hope in “Western benefactors.”

“Only dialogue within Bosnia and Herzegovina can ensure agreements that will serve as a basis for strengthening peace and stability, overcoming mutual fears and suspicions, and creating conditions where Bosnia and Herzegovina can become a desirable homeland for all its peoples and citizens,” the Embassy of the Russian Federation concluded.

Source: RTRS
